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  • 佛学与人生

    ,美国的大老板,中国人只有我一个。团体的名称叫HeaUng Group,每星期三下午二时开会一次。人一到齐,会长——那个副司令虔诚地点起三支印度线香,在门口窗前桌椅下面各处挥过...



  • 纳米比亚的土地和生物管理模式

    和国际资源集团(International Resources Group, Inc. )等   其他合作者也向管理区提供了基础性的协助,如总部在纳米比亚的农村发展及自然保护NGO合作组织(...

    Jan Vertefeuille & J


  • Pali Text Society

    curious picture--cleaned and restored the picture reveals a group of disputatious monks...Katha' or sub-group of them was added by memorial or scriptural registration to the ...

    Shwe Zan Aung and Davids, Rhys


  • 明清话本僧道人物形象研究

    明清话本僧道人物形象研究的要点。   【英文摘要】In Chinese classics, Buddhist monks and Taoist priests are a group of people...of Ming and Ching Dynasties, and form a large personage group. Besides the new representations and ...



  • A Nonreferential View of Language and Conceptual Thought

    within the past, present, and future continuum of the group or among the individual constituents. This ... and the composite group [of the constituents], this "I" is merely posited by conceptual thought, ...

    C. W. Huntington, Jr.


  • Bodhisattvas in the Lotus and Other Sutras

    Buddha and refrain from engaging in settling everyday problems. Such is the first group of rules ... first is pu.nya-sa.mbhaara, or the group of merits, which includes six paaramitaas or six kinds of ...

    Margarita I. Vorobyova-Desyato


  • Buddhism and Ethics

    thing, unit or phenomenon, or group of phenomena, not identical with it, but ...or group of antecedents. This is hardly yet recognised by the popular mind...

    Rhys Davids, C. A. F.


  • Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Role of Self-Control Strategies

    Massachusetts Medical Center. A control group of patients who did not receive meditation training did not show ...relapse rates is a challenge to the clinician. These researchers have compared a group of recovered ...

    Padmal de Silva


  • Buddhism and revolution

    , a group, or a nation, as an end in itself is unqualifiedly rejected by Buddhism as least conducive...easily understood -- because the person or group attempting to change the prevailing social order is ...

    R. Puligandla and K. Puhakka


  • Buddhist Logic before Dinnaga

    follows we shall indicate by A the group Yogacarya-bhumi-sastrra and Prakaranarya-vaca and by B the group Sangiti and Samyukta-sangiti. p. 455...

    professor guiseppe tucci

