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  • 经典学习与成人生命实践历程之研究

    to several main findings, which are presented as below.  1. The members in Guan-Tse Reading Group ...Learning provided in Guan-Tse Reading Group is orderly preceded. Learners are inspired and educated stage ...



  • Demystifying Tibet

    This tiny latter group of aristocrats were not jailed after the 1959 revolt, although most were ...Chinese Population Transfer into Tibet, by the London-based Tibet Support Group (1995).5. In Robert ...

    Lee Feigon


  • Fables in the Vinaya-Pitaka of the Sarvastivad in School

    purposely pass over the sectarian ramifications of this impor tant group, and I confine... Chinese by pou(class, group or category) and which I have provisionally ...

    Jean Przyluski


  • Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions,

    most "highly developed" societies pit individual against individual and group against group: labor ...

    Christopher Key Chapple


  • 廖乐根:当前弘法工作的几点思考

    regular group practice to meet the needs of different levels and ages of Buddhist followers; setting up the Tour Guide Group and sharing Dharma through introducing the monetary ...



  • Buddhist Charity and Community Work

    only offers help to the weak and vulnerable group in society, render available material needs as ...the present moment, we can find temples everywhere in China with a large group of followers. So long ...



  • Religion,Culture or National Identify?

    governments had labeled the LTTE as a terrorist group and imposed travel ban on its cadre is a testimonial ...comparison with other countries where the existence of a majority belonging to one religious group ...

    Ven Omalpe Sobhita T


  • Can an Understanding of Guodian Manuscri

    to form a group. The inclusion of Heaven, is in some ways obviously religious to later neo-...correct, but “The Five Aspects of Conduct” is describing a group of experts in morality that bring about...

    Kenneth W. Holloway


  • 世界佛教论坛论文:加强大乘与上座部佛教的合作共同弘扬佛教文化

    ,世界上将近有一半的人每天过着不到2美元的生活,这个数字在后来的二十五年里会持续增长因为在发展中国家就几乎有20多亿贫困人口。[The World Bank Group Annual Report ...



  • 佛法、生命与教育——“缘起的生命教育”与“生命定向”增进计划

    作为本计划的控制组(control group)。  总结  以上所谈到的“缘起之生命教育”和“生命定向”增进计划,都是在尝试和寻找,是希望能找到一套教学方案,既合乎世间现实,实用,能帮助同学面对生活的...


