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  • 斯17世纪寺院佛牙寺佛牙节庆典准备就绪安全无需担忧

    还可以去Jaffna。”他露齿大笑:“没问题的,‘猛虎’都不在了,还有什么好怕的呢。”(编译:子规) Kandy's Buddhist temple readies for pageantry - without fear The famous 17th century Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is breathing easy for the first...



  • Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief

    ·期刊原文Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief: The Bardo-Thodol for the dying and the grieving ...and spiritual traditions understandand manage what Western psychology calls grief and mourning. For ...

    Robert Goss


  • A reply to Munitz

    I have concentrated on the classic Chung Yung [The Doctrine of the Mean] as a base for the discussion. My aim in a way differs from Munitz'. Whereas for him the twin notions of mystery of existence ...

    A. S. Cua


  • We must learn to be leaves

    -------------------------- THAILAND -- For the past five years, the Venerable Phra Prachak, abbott ... disappearing. For this reason, Phra Prachak agreed last February tolead a group of westerners on a ...

    River, Jess


  • A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan

    realizes that the English is going to be lessthan natural. ("This man will now continue for some time...touch seems just right for the poems. Onecannot read them hastily, or even once, and one is ...

    James W. Heisig


  • Reply to Frank J. Hoffman

    school of thought," for his words 'accurate and non-trivial' refer to the study of early Buddhism, not ...Hoffman stipulated in the first few sentences of his book that, "For convenience the term 'early ...

    Mary Bockover


  • 越南全国最大佛塔—Lien Hoa塔在越美拖市动工

    reserved for laying out the coffins of both Buddhists and poor workers before they are buried. The ninth storey will be for worshipping the Xa Loi Buddha and other related religious activities, it said....



  • 方便游客参观佛牙节庆典 斯铁路部增加列车一辆

    tomorrow for the convenience of the people who wish to reach Kandy to see the Esala Perahera. The ...Kandy Esala festival will parade tomorrow, August 1 and continue to parade each night for another five...



  • 泰国僧伽委员会通过决议将在全国寺院植树三十五万棵

    Tuesday.   Ms Jularat said the council's target is for 350,000 more trees to grown in temple grounds...of Buddhism branch in each province can ask for tree saplings from the provincial natural resources ...



  • 越佛教僧伽会执行理事会举行安息法会 纪念建桥逝者

    受伤。(编译:子规) Buddhist requiem held for dead bridge workers The Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in the southern province of Vinh Long held a requiem on September 5 for workers who died in...


