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  • Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism

    material for studying Buddhism. More specifically, Hoffman demonstrates that Early Buddhism is indeed a ...Understanding Early Buddhism," explains the method that should be used for this task. Going to the Pali ...

    Mary Bockover


  • Buddhist Reflections on Technology

    case of modifying our own genotype, for example, enthusiasm about this alternative way to reduce some ...disastrous, there is the issue of who will control this technology, and for what ends. Given the ...

    David R. Loy


  • The moral universal

    process of self-development, far from being a quest for pure morality or spirituality, necessarily involves the biological, psychological, and sociological realities of human life. For the sake of ...

    Tu Wei-ming


  • The Tantric Distinction and Compassion

    to be cultivated for following bodhisattva and tantric practices, claimed to be necessary for ...enlightenment for the sake of all beings, the wisdom of emptiness, and deity yoga--in other words, the "...



  • Buddhism and Christianity in Japan: From Conflict to Dialogue,

    open dialogue of the late 1890s and the recent Japanese and Western penchant for Buddhist-Christian...represented a struggle for power and privilege. Idolizing the past and being entrenched in the "old" ...

    Notro R. Thelle


  • 斯里兰卡僧人首次在欧洲议会发表演讲

    时间(Time for Reflection)”发表了演讲。据悉,这是斯里兰卡僧人首次有机会在欧洲议会发表演讲。 Bhante Rewatha 法师把佛祖的教诲作为此次演讲的基础,并就佛法教导中,反对暴力、提倡和平以及一个领导者应该具备的十大品质进行了阐述。同时他还把苏格兰和斯里兰卡之间的联系作为其论证的例子,赞扬了苏格兰在帮助斯里兰卡上所表现出的慈悲和慷慨。 据悉,“思考时间(Time for ...



  • 美国犹他州盐湖寺举行盂兰盆法会 纪念逝去佛教徒

    。 据悉,佛教于1912年传到犹他,尊重所有宗教信仰并持戒修行。现在犹他州已有大约10个佛教宗派,佛教已经成为该州人民生活的一部分。(编译:子规) For almost 100 years, ...affiliated with the Buddhist Churches of America, displayed a small plaque for each member who had ...



  • 柬埔寨首相号召解决国内佛教司仪人才匮乏问题

    for presiding over and administering blessings at traditional ceremonies, including weddings and ...the layman shortage in May. He said a workshop on the issue was scheduled for August. To solve the...



  • Philosophical ruminations on a Buddhist conundrum

    one craves. Craving and attachment take many forms. There is craving for one's own continued existence and attachment to one's own self. And there is also craving for and attachment to various other ...

    David Burton


  • Propagation of Buddha’s Dharma

    more, mostly in Western civilized countries, as they open a way for people to escape from their ...to find out new ways for propagating the law suitable to the current period and develop advantages ...

    Most Ven. Dr. Thich

