From the pine tree
learn of the pine tree
For Western readers, ...
Fred Dallmayr
religion is notequivalent to the philosophy of (Christian) religion [11. Although itremains logically possible to do philosophy of religion as if Christianitywere the only religion, the purpose of this ...
Frank J. Hoffman
Laughing at the Tao: Debates Among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval ChinaReviewed by ...translation of a sixth-century anti-Taoist polemical text written by the official ...
Farzeen, Baldrian-Hussein
THAILAND -- For the past five years, the Venerable Phra Prachak, abbott ..."Deep Ecology and Buddhism Jungle Trek"through Eastern Thailand, near the Cambodian border. The trek...
River, Jess
and Mind in Early Buddhism.
First, Hoffman claims that I misunderstand the use of his term, "early Buddhism," which refers to the Buddhism of the five Nikaayas. As such, he posits that I am ...
Mary Bockover
philosophers, following Wilfrid Sellars' influential attack against the "myth of the given," argue against the very intelligibility of the notion of a state that claims to be cognitive without involv...
Chakrabarti, Arindam
monograph, which confirms Professor de Silva's status as one of the leading East-West thinkers in Sri Lanka, revolves around the related issues of anxiety and self as ...
Padmasiri de Silva.
promoted by society. In the United States, society tends to prohibit such shame-prone behavior and the show of one's vulnerability, while encouraging the visible demonstration of one's ...
Okano K
in the April, 1953, number of Philosophy East and West a controversy between such learned scholars as Hu Shih and Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki about the philosophy which one calls Ch'an and the other Zen. [...
Van Meter Ames
originally published in Japan in the late 1960s. Tamura, who died in 1989, was in his era one of the ... executed a very sophisticated textual analysis of the often overt but sometimes subtle distinctions...
Yoshiro Tamura