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  • 通过梵、藏文与奘译汉文对比辨析

    dharma- dha^tu),即是作为缘而言的。因为义(artha)有境的意思,而界(dha^tu)有因的意思。《辨中边论》云:  由圣智境义,说为胜义性,是最胜智所行义故。由圣法因义,说为法界,以一切...ayatva^d | a^rya- dharma- hetutva^d dharma- dha^tuh! | a^rya- dharma^n!a^n tad- a^lambana- prabhavatva...



  • 佛光菜根谭之自在

    play in tiny little houses. But the Dharma body fills infinite space. 松涛拍岸,鸟叫虫鸣 无非是悟道的契机 夏涧秋谷,春花...imper-manence? To be well,realize the Dharma body. To realize impermanence,get rid of delusion and ...



  • Comparative Study and Buddhist Works in Chinese Translation

    )adharma explained as dharma2)dharma explained as adharma 3)avinaya explained as vianya 4)vianya ...as sasana 14)sasana explained as asasana Devadattava List1)adharma explained as dharma 2)dharma ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • Studies in Buddhist Dogma

    lightenment), or Prajnaparamita (Perfect Wisdom), or knowledge of the Law (Dharma), i.e. of the...dharma), or the store of the 'dharmas,' or more exactly the uncharacterized Intellect (vijnana...

    Louis De La Vallee Poussin, M,


  • The Moral Systems of Confucianiam And Buddhism

    dharma, one's family life will be ruined. However, if one devotes oneself to one's family the way of the Buddha dharma will be neglected. One can neither take nor discard the Way; P.426 ...

    Bongkil Chung


  • Buddhism in Practice

    Dharma, and the Samgha. The resulting impression, however, is that even this categorization ... dharma would be irrecoverable (at least until the beginning of another cosmic cycle), ...

    Jeff Shirkey


  • A Misinterpretation in the First Case of the HEKIGAN ROKU

    ultimate principle of the holy truth?" Dharma answers, "Vast emptiness and nothing holy." Dharma cuts all ...Dharma's answer evidently falls under the third of the above-mentioned three principles, i.e. "cutting ...

    Tao-Wei Liang


  • The Buddha - Saint or Guru

    entirely fall to the ground if deprived of these two ideas!), such is the Dharma whereupon the honest ...is through that inestimable factor of merit that the Buddha Dharma could and still can exist; taking...



  • Skill-in-means and the Buddhism of Tao-sheng

    cloud in chapter 5 best illustrates the cosmic meaning of this power. Here the Dharma (...to show that although the Dharma is the same, each creature receives it differently ...

    David C. Yu


  • The Saddharmapu.n.dariika and Suunyataa Thought

    50 A.D.; the second order, chapters x to xxi, from "Dharma Master" to "Entrustment," as compiled ...second order the "Dharma Master (x)" to "Tathaagata's Mystical Powers (xx)", as well as "Introduction (i...

    Kajiyama, Yuichi

