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  • Chuang-Tzu And The Chinese Ancestry of Chan Buddhism

    ideal Taoist state of Great Peace is contradictory to the Buddhist postulation that ...

    Siu-Chi Huang


  • Conflict and Harmony in Chan [a] and Buddhism

    unlimited wisdom of Tathaagata and achieve all the benefits of peace and joy. The statement that the...

    Jan Yun-hua


  • Current Western Interest in Zen

    retreat into peace and quiet, the rustic poverty of wabi and sabi,[23] as in Thoreau. And there is in...tranquillity; he must seek peace and happiness for all beings." In short. as Masunaga sums it up: "The ...

    Van Meter Ames


  • Death Anxiety In Japan And Australia

    Eastern religionthat offers its adherents a sense of peace and interpretative control thatstems from an ...

    Schumaker JF; Warren WG; Groth


  • Divinity in process thought and the Lotus Sutrs

    assurance or peace of mind. The more such a god is conceived to have absolute power, the more dependent and...

    Reeves, Gene


  • Epoche and Suunyataa: Skepticism East and West

    have crossed to the other side, to have penetrated deeply, to have attained peace...the disputing dogmatic positions, but rather involves making peace by reject- ...

    Jay L. Garfield


  • Essays on the Absolute

    Holy Hill", on which a few doz. "fakirs" are living - meditating in peace. Fantastic! How do they ...



  • Ethics and Politics in the Early Nishida: Reconsidering Zen no Kenkyū

    religion, which dictate how people should act and where they can find peace of mind" (p. 37). -------...

    Christopher S. Jones


  • Ethnicity and the force of faith

    daughter. They told me I have to pray to God to ask for peace. So I started to believe in Jesus and ...you can never have complete peace ofmind." In Buddhism the greater the sin, the more merit one must ...

    Nancy J. Smith-Hefner


  • Bayou Lotus: Theravada Buddhism in Southwestern Louisiana

    Laotian part of Thailand, near the Thai-Laoborder, while serving as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer. Living...

    Carl L. Bankston III

