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  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    collections of law were less legislation than exhortations to keep the peace and to desist from crime: "the...promote either spiritual life or terrestrial peace. In lack terms, the authority of the papacy as the ...

    David Loy


  • The Status of the Individual in Theravada Buddhism

    where the indulgence of luxury gave him no peace, to undertake the most austere penance that ...in it the qualities of peace, joy, insight, and love. The freedom and the joy come from the ...

    G. P. Malalasekera


  • The Translation of the Term Samskara

    that keeps things going, impetus, urge, tension as opposed to state of tranquility, peace, where the ...

    Ven. Hsing-kong


  • The universal attitude of Shinto as expressed

    Shinto International Workshop on Global Survival and Peace.(3) Representatives ...instance, makes use of them in setting forth his concept of international peace.(26...

    Willis Stoesz


  • A critical look at the Chinese martial arts

    return to honesty and good men will have peace. The attitude of the government was hostile, ...

    Charles Holcombe


  • Tibetan Buddhist Pointers on Religious Education

    intolerance harms both oneself and others. He noted that mutual benefit and peace derive from mutual ...by looking back five years and asking, "What was my way of thinking then? How much inner peace did I...

    Victoria Urubshurow


  • Two Traditions of India -- Truth and Silence

    afflicted." Thereupon, Kahola Kau.siitakeya held his peace (upararaama). That is, the state of a braahma.na...

    Alex Wayman


  • Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism

    we may say about the similarity or lack of it between the final goal of peace and clarity for which ... of life for freeing us from them. He speaks of the peace that comes from the real philosophical ...

    Hudson, H.


  • Zen and American Philosophy

    When it can be had in joy and peace, it not only passes man's understanding but takes the place of ...worth while in itself, as much as that is possible. The problem is to instate the joy and peace of ...

    Van Meter Ames


  • “众缘和合”,平息“金融海啸”

    contemporary world for eternal peace. Therefore, the Forum left widespread and significant impacts on all over ...


