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  • Causality in the Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika school

    ·期刊原文 Causality in the Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika school By Bimal Krishna Matilal Philosophy East & West V.25 (1975) pp. 41-48 Copyright 1975 by University of Hawaii Press Hawaii, USA ----...

    Francis Cook


  • Keats and Zen

    ·期刊原文 Keats and Zen By Benton, Richard P.Philosophy East and WestV. 16 No. 1/2 (1966) pp. 33-47 Copyright 1966 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA p. 33 Self-abandonment to ...

    Benton, Richard P.


  • The Modern Buddhist-Christian Dialogue

    Paul O. Ingram Reviewed by Charles Hallisey Philosophy East and West Vol.42 No.1 1992.01 pp.177-178 Copyright by University of Hawaii Press   P.177 The notion of dialogue is a newcomer to ...

    Paul O. Ingram


  • Book Review The Buddha: A Short Biography

    ·期刊原文 Book Review The Buddha: A Short Biography by John S. Strong Reviewed by Jessica Main ...academic works on the life of Sakyamuni Buddha. Strong targets non-specialists and assumes little or no ...

    John S. Strong


  • Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard

    ·期刊原文 Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard by Joel R. Smith Asian Philosophy Vol. 6 No. 2 Jul.1996 Pp.117-128 Copyright by Carfax Publishing Company ABSTRACT Shinran (1173-...

    Joel R. Smith


  • Some methodological approaches to the unexplained points

    ·期刊原文Some methodological approaches to the unexplained pointsBy Richard H. RobinsonPhilosophy East & WestV. 22 (1972)pp. 309-323Copyright 1972 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA ----------...

    Richard H. Robinson


  • Notes on church-state affairs: China

    ·期刊原文Notes on church-state affairs: China by David W. Hendon Journal of Church & State Vol. 39 No. 1 Winter.1997 p.182 Copyright by JM Dawson Inst of Church State Studies ------------...

    David W. Hendon


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    ·期刊原文Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the PrajnaapaaramitaaBy Robert F. OlsonPhilosophy East and WestVol. 25 (1975)pp. 449-464Copyright 1975 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA ---------------------...

    Robert F. Olson


  • kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen masters

    Rosemont, Jr.Philosophy East & WestVol. 20 (October 1970)pp. 109-119Copyright 1970 by University of ...--- p. 109 A number of the more important beliefs which comprise Zen Buddhism may be ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The meaning is the use

    Rosemont, Jr.Philosophy East & WestVol. 20 (October 1970)pp. 109-119Copyright 1970 by University of ...--- p. 109 A number of the more important beliefs which comprise Zen Buddhism may be ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.

