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  • 在佛菩萨的加护下戒烟

    ......!!!!!!)   --------------------------   戒烟的关键是:多从正面启发自己,走出断烟带来的负面心情,这样你就成功了一半!   ---...!我在戒烟过程中,以很强的信心,启发自己的心安住于佛菩萨的心中,这样,烟瘾来时,一句佛号,烟瘾自然在佛菩萨的加持和自己的安祥心态中灰飞烟灭......   -------------------...

    218.63.165.* 2006-4-30


  • The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism by Ven. Sunyana Graef Religious Education Vol. 85 Issue 1 Winter.1990 Pp.42-48 Copyright by Religious Education --------------------------...

    Ven. Sunyana Graef


  • The Early Buddhist Notion of the Middle Path

    ·期刊原文The Early Buddhist Notion of the Middle PathBy David J. KalupahanaJournal of Chinese PhilosophyV. 7 (1980)pp. 73-90Copyright 1980 by D. Reidel Publishing Co. -----------------------------------...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • The Problem of Induction in Indian Philosophy

    ·期刊原文The Problem of Induction in Indian PhilosophyBy Roy W. PerrettPhilosophy East & WestV. 34 (1984)pp. 161-174Copyright 1984 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA --------------------------...

    Roy W. Perrett


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    ·期刊原文Time in Patanjali's YogasuutraBy Klaus K. KlostermaierPhilosophy East & WestV. 34 (1984)pp. 205-210Copyright 1984 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA --------------------------------...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier


  • Buddhism and Music

    In most countries music has developed in close affinity with religious observances. But the Theravada ideology does not encourage sensual arts like music and dancing. That when ...

    Ven.Inamaluwe Sri Su


  • Aspects of Justice in Ancient India

    •期刊原文 Aspects of Justice in Ancient India By Frederic B. Underwood Journal of Chinese Philosophy V. 5 (1978) pp. 271-285 Copyright 1978 by D. Reidel Publishing Co. -------------------...

    Frederic B. Underwood


  • Dereification in Zen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文 Dereification in Zen Buddhism by Robert J. Moore Sociological Quarterly Vol. 36 No. 4 Fall95 Pp.699-724 Copyright by Sociological Quarterly -------------------------------------...

    Robert J. Moore


  • Doing Philosophy and Doing Zen

    ·期刊原文 Doing Philosophy and Doing ZenBy Charles S. HardwickPhilosophy East and WestVol. 13, No. 2 (April 1963) pp. 227-234Copyright 1971 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA p. 227 ...

    Charles S. Hardwick


  • Studies in the Divyayadana

    ·期刊原文STUDIES IN THE DIVYAVADANA Ware, James R.Journal Of The American Oriental SocietyVol.48:11928 03pp.159-165 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ...

    Ware, James R.

