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  • The Lalitavistara and Sarvastivada

    ·期刊原文The Lalitavistara and Sarvastivada By Thomas, E. J.Indian Historical Quarterly16:2 1940.06 p.... p. 239 The position of the Lalitavistara-sutra in its ...

    Thomas, E. J.


  • The Formation of Chan Ideology in China and Korea

    Apocryphon, by Robert E. Buswell, Jr. Reviewed by Peter N. Gregory Philosophy East and West Vol.42 No.01 1992.01 pp.182-184 Copyright by University of Hawaii Press 182 Robert Buswell's The ...

    Robert E. Buswell, Jr.


  • The Buddhist Manuscripts at Gilgit

    ·期刊原文The Buddhist Manuscripts at Gilgit Dutt, Nalinaksha.The Indian Historical Quarterly1932. 06pp.342--350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

    Dutt, Nalinaksha.


  • An introduction to Early Indian Madhyamika

    ·期刊原文The Emptiness of Emptiness: An introduction to Early Indian Madhyamika by C. W. Huntington, Jr., Reviewed by Frederivk J. Streng Philosophy East and WestVolume 42, No.21992:04Pp.355-359( C ...

    C. W. Huntington, Jr.


  • Mahanama in the Pali Literature

    ·期刊原文Mahanama in the Pali Literature Siddhartha, R.The Indian Historical Quarterly8:31932.09pp.462... p.462 Mahanama in the Pali Literature There are four ...

    Siddhartha, R.


  • The Eighteen Lohan of Chinese Buddhist Temples

    ·期刊原文The Eighteen Lohan of Chinese Buddhist Temples WATTERS, T.The Journal of thr Royal Asiatic Society1898.04pp.329--347 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...



  • Religion And Moral Meaning In Bioethics

    ·期刊原文Religion And Moral Meaning In Bioethics C.S Campbell Hastings Cent Rep Vol.20 No. 4 Jul-Aug.1990 Pp.4-10 Copyright by Hastings Cent Rep ----------------------------------------------...

    C.S Campbell


  • The Buddhist Monastic Terms Amatittika

    ·期刊原文THE BUDDHIST MONASTIC TERMS SAMATITTIKA, SAPADANA, AND UTTARI-BHANGA. Hoernle, Rudolf.The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.1912.07pp.736--742 -----------------...

    Hoernle, Rudolf.


  • Whiteheads `actual entity and the Buddhas anaatman

    ·期刊原文 Whitehead's `actual entity' and the Buddha's anaatman By Kenneth K.InadaPhilosophy East and West 21,no.3(July 1971).(c)by The Uneversity Press of Hawaiip.303-315 -----------------------------...

    Kenneth K.Inada


  • Ritual Topography: Embodiment and Vertical Space

    .History of Religions Vol.36 No.3Pp.244-264Feb 1997 COPYRIGHT 1997 University of Chicago ----------... there was a mynah bird, a monkey, and a great elephant. Together they lived in a ...

    Reinders, Eric.

