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  • What in Brief is Buddhism?

    ·期刊原文What in Brief is Buddhism?By Ananda W. P. GurugeReviewed by Thich An-Hue Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic BuddhismV. 1 (2000)pp. 192-193Copyright 2000 by The International Academy of Buddhism,Hsi...

    Ananda W. P. Guruge


  • Buddhism and Science

    especially the Most Ven. Yi Cheng President of the Buddhist Association of China, the Most Ven. Hsing Yun President of the Buddha's Life International Association, the Most Ven. Kok Kwong President of ...

    H.H. Maha Sangharaja


  • Propagation of Buddha’s Dharma

    in people the desire to venerate and worship him. Furthermore, up to the present time, his teachings are still used as guidance to enrich people with knowledge and ethical conduct. Particularly...

    Most Ven. Dr. Thich


  • Japanese Buddhism in America

    The journey of Buddhism from Japan to America is one not easily told briefly. Within ...support and the onslaught of modern and western views on religion. At the same time, Japanese were ...

    Dr. Stephen G. Covel


  • 《禅学随笔.禅体验的解释》

    《禅学随笔.禅体验的解释》~铃木大拙  1  禅佛教的哲学是大乘佛教的哲学,因为禅宗是大乘佛学发展的一个果实。但这个发展所发生的地方却在中国,而中国人与印度人的心理与智性状态都有大不相同之处。就我...’;‘寂静的旷野,其中一无所在。’(Rufus Jones, Studies in Mystical Religion (London 1909), pp. 225-226.)。  一个人不论何等神秘...



  • Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文Wittgenstein and Zen BuddhismBy Hudson, H.Philosophy East & WestV. 23 (1973)pp. 471-481...---------------------------------- p. 471 In recent years there have been those who ...

    Hudson, H.


  • Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sūtra

    ·期刊原文 Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart SūtraBy Donald S. Lopez, Jr.Reviewed By David LoyPhilosophy East and WestVol. 49, No. 4 (October 1999) pp. 520-524Copyright 1999 by University ...

    Donald S. Lopez, Jr.


  • 河南郑州.登封嵩山少林寺——导游词

    河南郑州.登封嵩山少林寺——导游词  各位来宾,我们现在要去参观游览的地方就是中国禅宗发源地-----少林寺。少林寺始建于北魏太和十九年(公元495年)由孝文帝元宏为安顿印度僧人跋陀而依山辟基创建,因其座落于少室山密林之中,故名“少林寺”。北魏孝昌三年(公元527年)释迦牟尼的第二十八代佛徒菩提达摩历时三年到达少林寺,首传禅宗,影响极大。因此,少林寺被世界佛教统称为“禅宗祖庭”,并在此基础上迅速...



  • Japanese ethics: Beyond good and evill

    ·期刊原文 Japanese ethics: Beyond good and evill Wargo, Robert J.J. Philosophy East & West Vol. 40 No.4 1990.Oct Pp.499-509 Copyright by University of Hawaii Press ...

    Wargo, Robert J.J.


  • Some Ancient Remains from Bhubaneswar

    ·期刊原文Some Ancient Remains from Bhubaneswar By Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research SocietyVol.XV, 1929, pp. 259-262 ------------------------------------------------...

    Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.

