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  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    Interpretation in Candrakīrti's Madhyamakavatārabhāsya? William Magee, Ph.D.Assistant Researcher Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中华佛学学报第18期 (p207-272) 台北:中华佛学研究所 p. 207 Abstract This paper ...

    William Magee, Ph.D.


  • Zen and Ethics: Dogens Synthesis

    ·期刊原文Zen and Ethics: Dogen's Synthesis Douglas A.Fox Vol.21 No.1 1971.01 Pp.33-41 Philosophy...-----------------------------------------------. p.33 Japanese Buddhism has been enriched ...

    Douglas A.Fox


  • 此后待剪贴 Cosmic cowardice

    Alexander F. C. Webster Crisis Vol. 16 No. 3 Mar.1998 P.56 ...

    Alexander F. C. Webster


  • 观老庄影响论.道德经解发题

    观老庄影响论.道德经解发题作者: 憨山大师观老庄影响论   叙意   西域诸祖。造论以破外道之执。须善自他宗。此方从古经论诸师。未有不善自他宗者。吾宗末学。安于孤陋。昧于同体。视为异物。不能融通教观。难于利俗。其有初信之士。不能深穷教典。苦于名相支离。难于理会。至于酷嗜老庄为文章渊薮。及其言论指归。莫不望洋而叹也。迨观诸家注释。各狥所见。难以折衷。及见口义副墨。深引佛经。每一言有当。且谓一...



  • Asoka and the Buddha-Relics

    ·期刊原文 Asoka and the Buddha-Relics By T.W. Rhys Davids Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1901, pp. 397-410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

    T.W. Rhys Davids


  • Vasubandhu and the Vadavidhi

    ·期刊原文Vasubandhu and the Vadavidhi By H.R. Rangaswamy IyengarThe Indian historical QuarterlyVol.V, No.I, 1929, pp.81-86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------...

    H.R. Rangaswamy Iyengar


  • Zen Action/Zen Person

    ·期刊原文Zen Action/Zen Personby Thomas P.KasulisCarl B.Becker Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol.11,1984 PP.275-279 Copyright@1984 by Dialogue Publishing Company, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. P.275 Be...

    Thomas P.Kasulis


  • A Voice for Pluralism in Kamakura Buddhism

    ·期刊原文Sand & Pebbles: The Tales of Mujuu Ichien, A Voice for Pluralism in Kamakura Buddhism.By Robert E. Morrell. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1985.Pp. xxii+383.Reviewed...

    Robert E. Morrell. Albany


  • Research on inmates of Tihar Jail, Delhi

    Khurana; Prof. P. L. Dhar Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi-110016 2000.06 Executive Summary... Subjective Well-Being (SWB), and Criminal Propensity (CP) among inmates of Tihar Jail, Delhi. To ...

    Dr Amulya Khurana; Prof. P. L.


  • 惜福惜缘放生组2006.4.5清明节放生

    4月5日清明节桂林·桂湖放生 大鲤鱼:139斤 3.8元/斤 528.00 103位 秦老板随喜鲤鱼3位。 本次共放生命106位!今日共...


