找到相关内容1317篇,用时10毫秒. ·把佛教导航设为主页
  • The spirits of the dead

    a concluding ceremony sends thespirits or gods back to the other world (mountain or sea). (The ...world" while the village communitieson the plains are "this world." This notion of the mountain as ...

    Takeda John


  • The way of the lotus

    Sutra has come to be known throughout the Asian world that has made it one of the most influential works of religious literature the world has ever known. [3] ...

    A.L. Herman


  • The worldliness of Buddhism

    world religion. The leaders of Philadelphia's Thai community were rudely reminded of this ...exotic threat to their world. The dismayed Thais immediately withdrew their application. ...

    Donald K. Swearer


  • Wei-wu-wei: Nondual action

    transformation, in our contemporary interdependent world. Insofar as the meaning of wu-wei is political nonaction...expectations and desires that keeps one from experiencing the world as it is in itself (Tao), and the ...

    David Loy


  • The Pearl of the Tripitaka, Two Vaggas i

    remain in the world for a long time. Using these wonderful words, phases and sentences as content ...he is indeed far from detachment. For sensual pleasures are indeed not easy to abandon in the world....

    Sik Hin Hung


  • Buddhist Music Comes West

    all things Buddhist, nurtures both wisdom and blessings. Buddhists live in the world, while striving to transcend the world. Like the pristine lotus that is rooted firmly in the mud, a Buddhist makes ...

    Heng Sure, PhD


  • Beat Zen, square Zen, and Zen

    anatural world from which man himself feels strangely alien. For bothreflect a psychology in which ...suspicion that our attempt to master the world from outsideis a vicious circle in which we shall be ...

    Watts Alan


  • 首届世界佛教论坛征文评选公告

    缘起”思想的生态价值         体 恒   和谐社会需要和谐的制度支撑           温金玉   Ehi passiko in the pluralistic world     – Challenges and Opportunities of Buddhism     as a World Religion in the 21st century(英文)麦文彪   显密圆融,...



  • 略说华严金师子章

    指出万物皆是互相包融贯通 (interpenetration) 而又互不防碍 (non-obstruction)。  “事法界”是指千差万别的现象世界 (phenomenal world), 亦即是日常生活中所见的一切事物。“理法界”又名“如来藏”、“真如”或“佛性”,相等于西方哲学的本体世界 (noumenal world)。华严宗视现象世界为虚妄之幻相, 惟有本体世界才是真实无妄。从大宇宙 (...



  • 宗萨钦哲仁波切对邱阳创巴仁波切的纪念文

    challenges in the world today is the inability to understand others' points of view, cultures and ...lot for opening that world.   直到今日,我想我们许多人都努力在西藏以外、东方以外的地方教授佛法。我们由衷感谢他,开启了这个世界。   Twenty years ...


