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  • Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Role of Self-Control Strategies

    stresses self-development, and offers many strategies for achieving changes in behaviour and ...contribution to the development of a humanistic psychotherapy. It is also argued that the Buddhist ...

    Padmal de Silva


  • Making mandalas and meeting bodhisattvas

    is a need to address the spiritualor faith development of pupils. In Catholic schools, particularly, ...our curriculum aimsconcerning the development of the child, and religious education iswell-equipped to...

    Clive Erricker


  • The moral universal

    process of self-development, far from being a quest for pure morality or spirituality, necessarily ... self-development. For example, to the Confucian every human act is perceived as the reenactment of...

    Tu Wei-ming


  • The Role of Buddhist Preacher: A Modern

    expressed very cogently by P.A. Payutto: With the development of technology, and in particular, the so-...technological progress, in the form of industrial development, has been almost exclusively to their ...

    Ven. Dr. Thich Quang


  • 《楞严经》哲学之研究

    deep theory of Shurangama school.   5.The pro-cesses & schools from the development of the ...



  • 青州龙兴寺佛教造像艺术初探

    LongXing Temple in Qingzhou in aspects of development, features of formative technology, decorative ...



  • Better for Buddhists, better for business

    development Corp., in the Winter issue of TRICYCLE: The Buddhist Review. According to Kapor's ...

    Dave Brousell


  • Harivarmans Satyasiddhi-sastra

    doctrines of the Middle Way, nominalism (a development of the Praj~naptivaada and Sautraantika ...

    Johannes Rahder


  • buddhism and environmental protection

    introduced the concept of Sustainable development. World leaders, in an unprecedented move, meet ...development was to meet unlimited human desires with limited resources. The Mother Earth has no capacity...

    Venerable B. Chandim


  • 澳大利亚priestdale中天寺喜获洛根市最高多元文化奖

    hard work and continued efforts these groups make in their contribution to the city’s development,’...


