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  • Tan Ching (Platform Scripture)

    process of textual development. [5] Despite their many differences, the Tun-huang and Ming ...interpretation of the specific textual changes which occured in the historical development of the T'an ...

    Carl Bielefeldt and Lewis Lanc


  • The awakening

    economic interest in the development of thelower Mekong basin, Vientiane's days of charming obscurity ...overseas development agencies, NGOs and largerbodies like the UN have their headquarters here. Over a ...

    Stephen, Mansfield


  • The Doctrine of Awakening

    usually worship externally. His exposition of the progressive stages of this development ...discussion of the development of higher consciousness suggests that Evola's knowledge of...

    Julius Evola


  • The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society

    overlooked in contemporary discussions. Its modern development has been understood as a reaction to the ... political development: the fear of state despotism and the hope (spawned by the defeat of the ...

    David R. Loy


  • Traditional Sangha Community Management

    that has existed in the long history of human development. Management as an independent discipline is comparatively modern. It is evolving in the process of social and economic development in ...

    Ven. Zong Xing


  • Buddhism and Music

    to the village dancing with singing development as most of the worship in the sub religions. ...suggtions for the innovative development of the music. Those are as following: 01. Identifying tonal ...

    Ven.Inamaluwe Sri Su


  • 蕅益儒佛融通思想初探

    consciousness and according to the development and the formation of his opinions. In the meantime, this ...



  • 古越汉禅诗研究

      【英文摘要】This paper, from a monk's standpoint, begins with the historical review of the development ...



  • 台湾民间信仰之寺庙庙埕空间之探讨——以礁溪协天庙与慈天宫为例

    Therefore, in the face of changes in the social environment, the future development and utilization of ... place, this paper can provide a direction for the consideration of future development and ...



  • 印度来华僧人考略

    have made China and India coming to a higher development level in the thought and culture realm ...


