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  • Book Review The Monk and the Philosopher: East Meets West in a Father-Son Dialogue

    enlightening dialogue by two great minds from each world tradition. And the most significant aspect of this ...the phenomenal world. Although Revel has a hard time comprehending the non-self philosophy of Buddhism...

    Seyed Javad


  • Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sūtra

    modern world in a fresh way. The challenge, I think, is to maintain a tension between an uncritical...world, is certainly one factor in the collapse of public support for the humanities in the past ...

    Donald S. Lopez, Jr.


  • Remembering Wing-tsit Chan

    Chan, having done more than any scholar in the world to foster that remarkable "transmission of the ...the world around him -- that got Wing-tsit Chan to Lingnan College in 1916, when it was still a ...

    Bloom, Irene


  • The Foundational Standpoint of Mādhyamika Philosophy

    devalues dependent co-arising and hence the conventional world. Two main themes are interwoven. ...convention and ultimate meaning" -- a claim soon contradicted: "The actual world is not two but one, ...

    Gadjin Nagao


  • Therapy and meditation

    created a very different relationshipwith my internal world from the one I was used to. My chronic ...world. Itmeans being in that world with the consciousness of one who is not deceivedby appearances. ...

    Mark Epstein


  • Propagation of Buddha’s Dharma

    completely realizing the special features of Vietnamese Buddhism, engaged positively in the world in the spirit of “Working accordingly to world matters without fear; There is no difference between ...

    Most Ven. Dr. Thich


  • 我国究竟有多少人信教

    混乱。我们进行了一些整理,大家看一看是不是这样:   我国究竟有多少人信教?1亿?3亿?还是更多?   我国官方公布的我国信教人数规模是1亿;而world value survey的调查结果显示,...精神状况调查”、一个是由密西根大学在世界范围内所做的world value survey其中有关中国的宗教状况调查。   官方的宗教数量统计:1亿   我国官方对我国信教人数公布的数据是1亿,其中...



  • 系统安全:将木马拒之门外 设置电脑防止黑客入侵

      l IIS Admin Service   l MSDTC   l World Wide Web Publishing Service   l Protected Storage    10...



  • 今天你在哪里布施?

    at all possible. Give joyously, with a smile. You are making a difference in the world when you ...

    Joe Vitale, Translated By Sea Wan


  • 中国宗教代表团出席各大宗教对话国际论坛开幕仪式

    EI PARDO王宫外景 开幕式现场 学诚法师在会场内 与阿卜杜拉国王握手 与卡洛斯国王握手 国宴上的中国宗教代表团 与世界宗教领袖千年和平峰会秘书长巴瓦简   7月16日是“世界对话大会”(World Conference on Dialogue)开幕的日子,开幕仪式在马德里郊外的EI Pardo Palace王宫举行。沙特国王...


