age and death signalize the depressing impermanence and fragility of our pleasures... of our impermanence is a step towards the solution of the problem of illfare....
Ninian Smart
. Religion's wonderful power toexpress our deepest illusions, as in this case that sexuality can ...with our deepest love. [30]
This position seems to hold them to the middle way very skilfully. ...
R. E. Florida
logicalgrounds, it can be established by experience.Our pastexperience shows us that there is a causal relation betweenthing. For example, when we examine our empirical facts wesee that sesame oil is...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
position of our two authors as `SK. The method of development will be to set forth descriptively ...35]
We may now draw our threads together. The forces at work in `Sa^mkara's philosophy of ...
Winston L. King
the quantum theory, the twentieth century witnessed a conceptual change in our view...is not a permanent development in our understanding of matter. However, it did...
Mendel Sachs
Moreno 1991). The TSCS was translated into Thai under our direction, with ...procedures identical to those for the TSCS, and our statistical study of the ...
Tipawadee Emavardhana; Christo
essence of our traditional medical ethics so as to maintain historic continuity and yet, at ...into our system. Therefore, when trying to reform medical practice in China, we are faced with the...
Guo Z
be identified with abstract speculation nor is it the function solely of our brains. Rather, it belongs as well to the field of our hearts: the term ssu (thinking) is made of t'ien (field) and hsin (...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
descriptions of Japan dominate our literature, both scholarly and popular.
... assented. They seem not to have shared our more modern and hard distinction ...
William R. LaFleur
and death anxiety as well as inrelation to problems inherent in our current conception of death ...simultaneouslyover the course of our evolutionary history (Dobzhansky, Ayala, Stebbins, &Valentine, 1977; ...
Schumaker JF; Warren WG; Groth