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  • High drama

    occupied, India and China have the longest disputed border in theworld," notes Warren Smith, an expert on ...

    Maura Moynihan


  • Literary supplement: The Dalai Lama lights a candle

    modern, whose spiritualqualities are enormously impressive, he notes the excesses of some of thosejet...

    Chris Arthur


  • Nietzsche and Early Buddhism

    notes -- from when he was working to finish Thus Spoke Zarathustra and to achieve a satisfactory ... cite passages from the entirety of Nietzsche's writings indiscriminately, treating notes from the ...

    by Parkes, Graham


  • Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism

    context of there being no unchanging Huang Po) and notes how a number of masters in that mountain-...

    Dale S. Wright


  • Shobogenzo: Seul Bouddha connait Bouddha

    scholars and specialists. The introduction and side notes are very helpful and illuminating, particularly ...

    Stambaugh, Joan


  • Some Thais see economic hardship as a boon to traditional values

    general decline in Buddhistvalues," Evans notes. "Material growth is based on unspiritual values."But ...

    Yvan Cohen


  • Suramgamasamadhisutra

    manuscript discovered in Eastern Turkestan. The notes and cross-references are exceedingly informative. ...

    Etienne Lamotte


  • Tara and Nyai Lara Kidul: images of the divine feminine in Java

    only calls this image of her the "commonest" representation, but notes that "it also ...Brandes notes another important difference that became apparent to him not only ...

    Jordaan, Roy E.


  • The Buddha and Wittgenstein: A brief philosophical exegesis

    the noble quest. Thisdiscourse notes both the rediscovery of the 'truth' and the decision topreach ...the grammar of the twosignificant uses. Wittgenstein notes this point thus: "That the ...



  • The Karma of Words

    notes, " ... the assumption made throughout this book that the medieval period of Japan is best viewed...

    William R. LaFleur

