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  • Hsiung Shih-lis[b] Theory of Causation

    INTRODUCTORY NOTES Hsiung Shih-li (1885-) [1] is an original contemporary Chinese thinker. Though no one ...shu-chi [j] [Notes on the Treatise on the Establishment of the Doctrine of Consciousness-Only]. ...

    Liu [a] , Shu-hsien


  • Mrs. Rhys Davids Dialogue with Psychology

    technical meaning of ruupa^m she notes: Ruupa.m would ... appear at first sight to be a name for...development of touch--a view which, she notes, "is borne out to a great extent by modern biological ...

    Teresina Rowell Havens


  • Old Buddhist Shrines at Bodh-Gaya Inscriptions

    Kuramgiye dinam [.] "Donated by the Matron Kurangi." [Notes:-- Dr. Bloch...Indragnimitra." [Notes:--Dr. Bloch is the first to observe that the name of ...

    B.M. Barua


  • Some Prollems in Interpretation

    Heine points out, appear to have started out as lecture notes, then were recorded by ...finished transcribing Gien's(23) notes into a final draft, [taking care to] compare my draft...

    David Putney


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    the major differences between these two versions will be indicated in the notes but we will not ...important differences will be mentioned in the notes. The text translated below has been taken ...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • THE WORD avidyaa

    This will be referred to as "Notes." 2 E. H. John, ton, The Buddhacarita: or, Acts of ...Notes," p. 260. 6 Ibid., pp. 266-267n. 7 Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The No-self Theory

    it consists of a succession of notes. A related mistake, we are told, is Hume's ...temporal sequence of musical notes: it is something whose existence is necessarily spread...

    James Giles


  • The Practice of Zen

    Translated from the German with Additional Notes and Appendices by Ruth Fuller Sasaki. New York: The First...simple and informative introduction to Buddhism and some notes on meditation. The Sho-do-ka (Song ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • Demystifying Tibet

    Ivan R. Dee, 1996. xiii + 242 pp. Maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index. $27.50 (cloth), ...useful for the general reader with little knowledge of this part of the world. Notes1. Berkeley: ...

    Lee Feigon


  • Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time.

    introductory essay, Bodhi has "reformulated a few awkward sentences..., reorganized the notes, ...multiple times for fresh insight and meditative sustenance. Notes1. Berkeley: University of ...

    By Venerable Nyanaponika Thera

