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  • A Most Non-Russian Republic Tends to Its Buddhist Roots

    however, that his sense of traditional roots is strong. "I'verebuilt myself with Buddhism," Erni ...

    Judith Matloff


  • Buddhist Theories of Causation -- Commentary

    skandhas." Here we encounter a kind of precursor to the Two Truths distinction of later Buddhism. On the...entitled "Bootstrap and Buddhism," University of London physicist Fritjof Capra compares Nobel ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • Beat Zen, square Zen, and Zen

    Japanese and thoughJapan is now its home, Zen Buddhism is the creation of T'ang dynasty China.I do ... the JapaneseZen monastery are the words of the great T'ang master Lin-chi:In Buddhism there is no ...

    Watts Alan


  • A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan

    Japanesehistory and Zen Buddhism, and makes a fitting complement toDr. Arntzen's earlier work, Ikkyuu...

    James W. Heisig


  • Interrelational Existence

    dependent origination," as the doctrine was set forth in early Buddhism, led to a recognition of the...thought of early Buddhism, the way to deliverance from suffering taught by the Buddha is nothing other ...

    Hajime Nakamura


  • Librarians in robes: the monks of Wat Muniransyarama

    monastery of Theravada Buddhism. By supporting the wat's monks, the laity contribute ... Theravada Buddhism. Preserved in its original language, this collection is also known...

    Michael Huff


  • The Golden Age of Zen

    Buddhism of the T'ang dynasty (618-906 C.E.). Wu recognized that comparing Christianity to Zen is as...

    John C. Wu


  • The kingdom of Silla and the treasures of Nara

    to symbolize for us the cultural flowering of the Silla kingdom. Buddhism, ... contact generated by Buddhism. This movement is also reflected in the flowering of ...

    Francois-Bernard Hyghe


  • The Practice of Perfection

    teaching. It never leaves the core task, however--"to take up Buddhism as a religion of ...communication," Aitken serves well as a Western translator of the heart of Buddhism. ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • The Transmission of the Lamp: Early Masters.

    chronologically the lives and teachings ofthe significant figures associated with Ch'an Buddhism, ...

    Sohaku Ogata

