operative connot give rise to anything, nor can it come to its own nullity. Thus the very ... nothing can be said about it at all. To characterize it either as a mode of Being or as a mode ...
方东美讲述; 杨政河校订
、 一者外道论、 .mu-stegs-can gyi gans dav / 随亲恶友、 二者恶知识、 二者恶知识、 .sdug-p’ai grogs-pos yovs-su zin-pa...can rnams snod ma yin par ses nas sgyes-bu dam-pa de-dag / 见众生本游彼佛国, 尔乃至于他方 佛国, 尔乃至于他方佛国, ....
Here one can see the importance given to the aspect of Buddhist practice by Mochizuki Shinko. I agree ...the historical transmission and obstruction of Bozhou sanmei jing practice can be brought about, ...
fifty different outer path/practices that one can stray into; liberation 【中文摘要】本文题目为“《楞严经》解脱道之研究”,...function of fifty different other path/practices one can stray into. The fourth chapter discusses the ...
thamscad bdag la dgongs SU gsol/ji srid nam mkhahi mthah dang mnam pahi sems can gyi khams rnams mi gnas...Sa dang chu dang me dang flung gi gnod pasma shig bar de srid dU sems can gyi don dphag tU med pa ...
hand, I hope this paper can provide a broader scope for those who are concerned about the issues of ...transcendental, etc. Those who have not yet realized the praj?ā - pāramitā can practice the six pā...
song zh-ing dad pa dang mos gus bya ha/ pha ma la drindu bzo zhing bkur bsti bya/mi drin can dang ...thog shaba can gyi khims) (bre srang phul khyor zhonam se sran dang stag ri gnyan gzigs kyi blon ...
period can be divided into two groups. The first came from abroad and consisted mostly of descen- dams ...undertaken for a political imperative can have the objective effect of fostering interchange between ...
Liu Yuejin
mindfulness, that virtue of which one can never possess too much, and the preciousness of being born in the human state and therefore in that central point which alone can lead to the state beyond all ...
Marco Pallis
described still actually drinks from a flowing stream. Can we infer that it had once been a rule of ...in India. Its peculiarities are hat it has a funnel on the shoulder through which it can be ...
Artibus Asiae