POEMS In The Name of Absolute
POEMS In The Name of Absolute
Rev. Talihood
pp. A4-A11
The Dead - Living Ones
The dead are alive
And the living dead!
Men, ignoble strife,
Turning stone into bread.
Sacred food for deceased -
They too want to eat?
Lust - Who's ever appeared
Yielding that tricky cheat?
Mammon (£ & $) who are you?
Why people fall corrupt?
An open secret, isn't it true?
Dollar's the bigoted culprit.
Gold buys many a thing:
Power, no satisfaction, a name;
Here and hereafter, we think,
Mammon rules! What a shame.
Most of us live dead traditions,
Brilliantly escaping our True-Self;
Thrilling cheque-book relations
On an ornamental exhibitory shelf.
What then is man's dearest Value?
Real, besides a glittering fame?
Learned friends, It is the Hallow;
That, Absolute, Inscrutable - Name.
Well, IT means no more dead -
Yet, equally not "alive"!
We wish one could dedicate
The Dharma for you to abide.
errare humanum est*
blink thou eye and
deaf thee ears!
however never dumb
to utter dead ideas ...
(old obsolete currencies).
valid for a brief duration
is to-day's "new" ideal -
yesterday's intellectualization
valueless - front turns rear -
educated errors! man has to bear?
self-evidently communicated
original ideas are alive!
in wisdom sages stated:
dead ideas, the mental knife,
cut living-waters into ice.
ice melts, water, evaporating steam:
life to death, or death for life?
progress = erring onward on a stream
of ignorant knowledge or knowing error:
man made god - mind blind mirror.
*to err is human
Three for One in adoration -
The Star's lunar constellation,
Favourite Super-Star propagation
Brought Scribes to vexation.
Belief, miracles, idolization,
A little bit of conspiration,
'Tis people's wilful expectation:
Either Tzar or condemnation.
Super-duper-star! Fascination
Burns to ashes all frustration;
Disillusioning crucifixion -
Protocol made falsification.
Beware the royal illumination -
Brief is life's duration!
The aftermath in desolation:
Follower's mental constipation.
Thorny ways of aspiration ...
Does it yield your coronation?
Few resist such temptation -
Expiration void of inspiration.
Man's Final Consummation:
Enlightening Realization!
That's Total Liberation!
From all indoctrination.
To the Venerable Bright Law (S.K.H.)
no point
smart foolishness,
pointless to fight -
morbid darkness:
mem without sight.
one-track indeed -
learned ignorance:
repetitive, conceit.
neither medicine
nor powerful gods,
are able to remedy
sophisticated folks.
understanding words -
this insight does fail;
to ambitious hordes,
it's of no avail.
such is 'avidya',
called "ignorance";
a curse of lucifer-mara ?
wisdom's forbearance.
"nescience allez-vous en!"
scheming, regardless toil!
awakening is up to man -
golden mean - all hail!
Buddha's middle way -
above ambiguous ground,
the cure-all: panacea -
nirvana: ineffable profound.
Alone we come -
Born to choose ...
Finally we'll go:
Everything to lose.
View Life as Maya -
The tragic comedy of man.
A clue for redemption?
None-All Is One.
No one shall save you -
Yourself: One-Self-Ocean!
Being saved without saviour;
Realize: That Realization!
That Law Is Wisdom:
Elusive Buddhahood -
Grace - Compassion -
Wonder: The Absolute.
Profound is Love -
The Art of Giving;
All that we have,
Gracefully given.
Don't covet, nor yearn!
Fulfilment it is -
When we Live by Love,
In Joy and Bliss.
To Love is to Live!
No one below, none above -
Equally, Awakened: Alive!
Verily Enlightening Love.
Dedicated to Him the Silent Sage
We by our "Ideal-conception"
Deem to hope and wish,
That our mental representation
Is the ONLY truthful vision!
(Whose image could be so foolish?)
Educated men are never stupid
By admitting "not to know!"
Why? Should this be awkward?
Have ideas become indoctrinated?
Well, Ignorance means ideas galore.
Each DOGMA, a worshipped holy idea,
Is abstract and sits in the mind!
Myth-making notions, fanatically dear,
Are not in heaven, but here:
Amidst learned delusions to find.
Bigoted ideas are tragically unreal
Intellect-made imagination!
Books bluff, men only feel
Dissatisfaction! Ideology will
Stimulate the craving for idealization.
Nice to think ideal! Yet what's real?
Dialectics: together this-and-that!
Name and form as well as idea will reveal
Truth that's REAL - not just ideal -
As One-Double-facing Actuality instead.
Absolutely balanced is the Realized Mind!
Perfect - The Centre: That Total Whole!
De-conditioned! Simple! Gentle and kind -
FREE from ideas! (no more blind!)
Profound Zero - WISDOM'S Highest Goal.
To You and someone else
Human Bubble
Breathing, in German known as "atmen",
Is vital air and as such invisible -
The Sages called that "Atman" -
It's just the SELF, individual.
Sanskrit "Atman" is in Pali "Atta";
Devoid of air all life turns dead -
Inapprehensible both Atta and Anatta:
Selfless SELF Is Nothing Save Breath.
Self cannot be shown: it's understood;
The wind cannot be seen, but is felt.
A bubble: circumlimited air stay put -
Ephemeral existence, surfacing to melt.
Flowing onward, air, this bubble -
Born somewhere below in "samsaric" sea;
In worldly waters is he/she visible -
Bursting to die: Invisible Eternity.
Human bodies from mother earth we lend,
So water bubbles holdfast in icy frost;
Mind and matter make the Atman present -
Void of body the SELF is altogether lost.
Both air and water, these form a bubble -
Self or not-Self, that's our all-concern!
One without the other, unlike a couple,
Half-truth! Another half is yet to learn.
How unimportant "I-my-self', the bubble -
Start to End and All Is One - or Nothing!
Too much learning, reading! Stop to trouble
To make differences! The slave is the King.
that paradox
is -
as it was:
no thought
has ever
beatifying bliss
of nothingness
the nought. -
thus leave
the mind
to get it,
never, never
have it!
for that
which is,
is -
"Sabba sankhara dukkha - sabba sankhara anicca!"
(=Everything created, mental and physical as well
as metaphysical, is ill- and not lasting forever)
Sankharas = conditioning
Brainwashed and profound mistrust
Hallmarks modern mind-ridden man -
Prompted by desire's suicidal lust,
He is totally CONDITIONED! More than
Thousands of centuries self-enslaved!
Remembering: the force of habit -
Man trimmed and moulded man's mind
To notions & opinions brain-fabric:
Ideology's power) unwise and blind.
Trained, drilled, it made him sick.
Thy opinion! is it not an idiosyncrasy?
Predilection? Think whatever thou wilt!
A fashion, a habit - a. life time propensity;
Deus Simplicitas the intellectuals killed!
Thrice ordinary biased repeated unoriginality.
Fearful framed - the complex civilized mind:
Turbulent circumstances in split-second bind
Man to "samskaras", ship-wrecking rocks ...
The conspiracy of events, fatally inclined.
Homo sapiens. thy refuge is but an empty DREAM!
Think, to shrink in self-hypnosis all at once;
Canst thou digest such hallucinatory. scheme?
Imagination's fascinating voluptuous trance?
Brainwashed! Nothing is thy own! It seems,
illusion tyrannizes thee.
Is every thing!
That what's left,
Is -
As It Is:
From This,
That Is,
Came forth,
By Chance.
Is uncertain
System of thought,
'Tis madness.
Safe from this?
By Chance.
Brilliance Sound Eternal Star
Unfathomable is That Source -
Tremendous near and yet so far,
Made manifest Unmanifested Shores:
Illuminating the Egg of Creativity;
Amidst all an idea: "Zero" is shot,
Inside Nothing, outside Nothing -
Formless! It Is Void! Is It Not?
One half Empty, the other: Sound's Ether,
Air cuts lane by lane - Touch is born;
Fire's Sight: divide and rule in metre
Out of roundness squares are torn ...
Fire Split itself at quarter angle,
That goes on without gain or loss -
The Taste to Water; motion; triangle;
It Smells Earth, physical: our Cross!
Finally matter is dual brittle, hard:
Ill! Last result of miracles magic-art.
However, the Marvel reveals a Wonder!
Read between the lines and All's there:
Nothing's Void! The Total Whole to ponder,
One & many! Absolute, all-inclusive, dear,
It Is both dew-drop from heaven and sky
As well as the ocean of many a tear.
Yet none asks the question "Why" -
Is less joy and much more sorrow here?
Criss-cross line pentagram;
Left to right the swastika;
Right to left the trident;
Top to bottom it's duality;
Bottom to top just a cross;
This magic-mantra of creation: -
Body, mind, psyche, Spirit Divine,
Shows Sacred Secret's Emancipation.
Cause, but not effect, the Absolute IS!
Established? Well, then You are fine.
(To Maylijeely)
Your voice is
Your shape so
neat -
Your looks are
catching -
Your thoughts are
hatching -
My heart is
full -
My head is
cool -
My mind is
empty -
My Self naturally -
plenty -
For YOU.
Nude the truth
'Tis Greek this Dionysos Drama -
Josua Christos, Jew-Roman treachery;
Buddha Dharma smiling away Karma -
Bhagavan's Lila, Divine, a Comedy.
Devi! Hexagram - David-Star,
Mysterious is Lao-Tze's Tao!
Tantrik''Yap-Yum" holy war:
Siva courting Sakti! Wow!
Mohammed prophesying Paradise;
None's a Sikh without Sad-Guru.
1/10! Mormons appreciating Paise,
ALL want your best from you.
Radha Symphony and Soami's Poetry
Fiery Principle! Spoke Zoroaster:
"Bigoted devotee!" Man's tragedy,
No rapport! spiritual disaster.
Confucius Cathay's Moral-Teacher;
Is Baha'i no Sufi Proclamation?
Fanatical, any man the preacher
Who ignores Zen and Meditation.
Kuan Yin - Devotion men must feel!
Self-Reliance - Unfettered Jina -
AUM! The creation is never real,
Shankaracharya's Polemic - Maya.
Opening-up? Performance Subud;
Hari Krishna the emotional way!
Religion cover-up what is nude,
SEE TRUTH in ALL Pots as Clay.
Buddhi-Yoga: Integration Is All
The Certitude of Self-Awareness!
Few are wise! (who See the Whole) -
All our troubles, due to CARELESSNESS.
(To Shan)
That "I" of thou -
This "I" of me,
Is rarely Thee!
Our vision imperfect,
With effect we neglect
The Universal Spirit.
Mind and thought are,
The reason we're not:
A glamorous facade -
Destitute of merit.
Seeing - Looking,
With closed "I's":
As IT actually IS!
Realize That in Thee,
And everywhere to us
Certainty Is Being thus
True to our Selves -
Becoming IT anew,
What we were all-through:
Actual Reality
What is real? Truth? Is it holy?
Why man chooses "this" or "that"?
Heaven, hell, the traditional duality,
All's impermanent! And mind-man-made.
Stop routine and Nothing will be left:
Consciousness conjures ideality ...
Flesh and blood of Essence bereft -
History! Culture: man's habitual fantasy.
Conventions, how long they last?
Tyrannical, mighty powerful to-day!
Gone's that glory of mankind's past:
Tomorrow will be another yesterday.
Humanity, wrapped in habit - memory!
Everything is fleeting! That's real!
A shadow-play, selfish, without mercy:
Meaningless! Like onions: only peel.
As every photo is just an image
So the husk is never grain -
Concepts are empty, like a mirage:
Theory man's vanity! He lives in vain.
Out-of-date, Good God, poor fellow -
Theological knowledge is, after all, an idea!
Thoughts are like a passing shadow -
Nothing genuine over there, nor here.
Honour? Service? Duty? Is this habit real?
Idea! Image! Photo 'tis not you, nor your "I"!
Ambitious to be crowned, this greed we feel:
Insatiable appetite! What a slavish tie!
Eat fresh food, it's so delicious!
Unpalatable when kept - it's old.
Perfect is life! Noble! Gracious!
Made imperfect when DOGMAS told.
Whatever formed is doomed to die -
Formless Being is the Essence True.
When man is born all he is is but a lie;
The Absolute "ungraspable!" yet, IT is You.
made mate
spellbound helo,
both maid and mate,
on mat to melt -
temporarily mad,
life is made.
haughty's that mind
ignorant and blind:
self-made mad -
show-off and mock;
beware the shock!
brief is man's might!
toppled from a height,
where is his pride?
all of a sudden made
check! - meek or mate.
for wisdom's sake
give up what's mad!
'tis never too late,
fate to un-make
that was self-made.
never mind your mind;
mellowness may find
cosmic consciousness -
total vision: maturity,
great man's magnanimity