明白自己受困于人生的问题, 且持续地被 (根本或细微的) 妄想所拖累的人 , 藉著自我思考或就教于有经验的人, 来解决自己的问题。 人一旦能正确地检视自己的处境 , 就能克服问题, 获得清楚的洞察力, 并且体验到真 正的快乐。
People who realize that they are hung up on one of life's problems and are incessantly being dragging down by delusion (at a base or subtle level) can overcome this problem by thinking for themselves and asking advice from others who know. Once people have correctly assessed the situation, they can completely overcome their problems, receive clear insight, and experience true happiness.
深入的洞察力导源于克服困难, 这是一种精神上的滋润, 它来自于我们有效解决问题后所生起的 自信。这种深 刻的洞察力是一种很高的层次, 比一个聪明的推销员所拥有的机智还要宝贵, 甚至连崇尚物质主义的人, 都会 承认这种洞察力可以带来快乐。
Penetrating insight comes as the result of surmounting difficult problems; and this insight is a form of spiritual nourishment that comes from the confidence we experience after having successfully solved our problems. This kind of insight is of a higher order; it is more valuable than the resources of a clever salesman, and even materialists will admit that this insight constitutes happiness.