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来源:不详   作者:嘉雍群培
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  关键词:藏传佛教 生死轮回 因果报应 中阴救度 现实
  2、莲华生著 徐进夫译:《西藏度亡经》宗教文化出版社 1995年出版,第9页。
  1、《西藏度亡经》连华生著 徐进夫译 宗教文化出版社 1995出版
  2、《西藏生死之书》(美)索甲仁波切著 郑振煌译 中国社会科学出版 1999年出版
  3、《藏传佛教》才让著 民族出版社 1999年出版
  4、《藏族原始宗教》周锡银 望潮著 四川人民出版社 1999年出版
  5、《喇嘛庙——佛的世界》李冀成 四川人民出版社 1986年出版
  Tibetan art of death
  Jiayong Qunpei
  Translated by YangQiong
  Abstract: Buddhism has been integrated with the local culture, eventually forming a unique variant of Buddhism with a strong Tibetan flavor, since its introduction into Tibet in the 7th century. Now, Tibetan Buddhism has permeated all aspects of Tibetan people’s lives, becoming an essential part of Tibetan culture as well as the Tibetan’s principal faith. A typical reflection of this can be found Tibetans’ death rituals. At the same time, Tibetan Buddhism has employed all possible artistic means and forms to disseminate its doctrines. The music used extensively in death rituals is especially profound, demonstrating its harmony and perfect identification with Buddhism ideology.
  Key words: Tibetan Buddhism, cycle of birth and death, natural law of cause and effect, help in Bardo, realities
  Generally speaking, death is the most profound one among human fears; however, Tibetans have a unique attitude toward it. Starting with their preparation (or education) for death, including the bardos1 of dying, realities, and rebirth, the whole process is full of inspiration and creativity as if it were a unique artistic discipline. Tibetans believe that a human being consists of both a soul and a body--- the body serving only to carry the immortal soul. Once the body dies, the soul will leave it and go into the state of realities. According to their karma a consciousness in bardo, the dead obtain either rebirth or nirvana. Therefore, the moment o death is not the end of life, but rather the glorious and supreme beginning of a new one. Tibetans begin their education and practices regarding death from childhood. Throughout the whole process of the death rituals, music gives full expression to the idea of the immortal soul and rebirth by perfectly merging with Buddhist doctrine and rituals. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead2, music itself is called ‘the art of death’.
  Buddhist practices for death
  Education in Tibetan Buddhism is based on the following concepts: the natural law of cause and effect3, the cycle of birth and death4 , impermanence, and the view that all contaminated things are miserable. As a result, Tibetans generally attach more importance to death and the next life than to birth and this life. To be free from this life is their highest ideal—in earlier days, lamas and laymen in Tibet did not celebrate their birthdays. In contrast, much attention was paid to education concerning death, which started the moment a person was born. For this reason, there are no birthday songs in Tibetan folk culcure. However, music, dance, sculptures and drawings on the theme of death can be found everywhere. Among them, music (including dances set to music), as a significant part of Buddhist doctrine and art, is extraordinarily rich. It can be concluded that understanding and use of music in Buddhist traditions is highly developed.
  Buddhism holds that the universal mantra (Mani Padme Hum) is the foundation and essence of all Buddhist creeds. It helps people remove ignorance and gain wisdom. Before Tibetans can walk on their own, their mothers frequently carry them on their backs while worshipping Buddha and performing circumambulation, so from that time they begin to learn the chant of the universal mantra.
  The form of the universal mantra chant varies widely. It includes long melodies and short melodies. Different melodies are employed for different occasions, temples or monasteries, and during different sacrificial rituals. In Tibetan language, the chant of the universal mantra is called Padem dbyangs ( Padem refers to classical scriptures or mantra, and dbyangs is music), which includes the mantra song, the conversion song, the song for invoking Buddha, and the tribute song.
  To express the Buddhist theories, the melodies of Padem dbyangs are pleasantly low and full of sympathy, mainly by employing five-tone scales of the minor mode (among them the Yu tone is used most frequently). When we hear them, we feel as if we were listening to our masters’ teachings, or looking at our masters’ respectful faces above us, wisdom naturally occurring to our mind.
  Beside the Padem dbyangs, Tibetan parents also teach their children the vajra guru mantra, namely OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM .
  Besides the vajra guru mantra, there are four conversion sutras and conversion tunes, namely, those of taking refuge in master, being converted to Buddha, taking refuge in dharma, and taking refuge in lamas.
  These three tunes are the most basic and must be learned, memorized and repeatedly recited. In the eyes of Buddhists, these tunes are not music (or folk songs) in the general sense, for they cannot be recited or sung at all times or places. Instead, they chanted or sung only with a peaceful, sympathetic and concentrated mind in special situations and on specific occasions, for they are an essential part of Buddhist doctrines, and have the nature to awaken compassion and wisdom in people. All the mantras, tunes and songs mentioned above constitute a part of the fundamental education of Tibetan, by which they transform their attitude toward death and eventually gain complete freedom.
  Songs for the Bardo Dying
  Bardo means the transition period between a person’s death and his rebirth, which lasts 49days, every 7days of which a number of master are invited to chant the next of the dead. Texts and melodies vary each time.
  In Tibetan areas, a series of diverse and complicated religious rituals are performed for dying. The first of them is to invoke deities from the four directions to bless and guard the dying. At religious rituals and places for offering sacrifice, the songs of prayer masters are frequently heard as follows:
  When the dying is going to the end of his life and his spirit is passing away, a bedside master will be invited to help him or her spend the last moment and enter the bardo smoothly.To help the dying transfer his or her consciousness, the master will tap the dying gently and rhythmically from the clavicle to the top of the head, and in peaceful, kind, and sympathetic tones. The master will continue his tapping, gradually slowing down and lowering his voice while he repeats these words. He will not stop until the dying finally departs his life and enters reality.
  Songs for the Bardo of Realities
  The bardo of realities is the so-called the bardo of luminosity, in which the image of Yama, who is in charge of truth and justice, will appear, bringing light for this bardo and laying bare all the good and bad deeds of the deceased before his death.
  To help the dead follow the masters’ instructions and eventually enter the marvelous Pure Land of Dewachen, it is necessary to guide their steps on a journey of the rebirth by means of a chant named the transference of the consciousness which is called Phowa in the Tibetan language, and is method of chanting varies from place to place. It is classified into three main types:
  1. The recited parts are in the form of rhymes with changing rhythm, but special attention is paid to the unity between rhyme and rhythm;
  2. Some parts have smooth and graceful melodies reminiscent of songs meant for singing ;( the example of music scores is omitted here)
  3. After smoothly chanting for certain amount of time, the chanter will sing in a high voice along with the clapping of hands. This change will be repeated regularly (to frighten a spirit which is hesitant to the body).
  Sky Burial
  Sky burial is the principal burial custom of the Tibetan nationality, which shows the Tibetan Buddhism’s view of the universal, life and the spirit of sacrifice clearly.
  Sky burial is the last alms of the dying. The ceremonies of sky burial are permeated with music. For example, the lamas chant the doctrines of emancipating Hpho for the dying;expound the primary and secondary causes of life as well as the cycle of existence. Therefore, the fear towards death can be alleviated. If the departed can realize the clear light at the initial stage of bardo---intermediate state, his Hpho can be emancipated.
  The vultures are waiting around the burial site when the corpse cutter is cutting the body into pieces. At first, the biggest one flies unsteadily down to peck the dismembered corpses, then the rest swarm down. In a short time, all the flesh is gone, leaving behind only bones. The corpse cutter hammers these bones, including the skull, into pieces, and mixes them glutinous rice cakes before throwing them to feed the vultures. Eventually nothing of the body is left.
  Songs for the Bardo of Rebirth
  In the bardo of becoming, the mental body of the dead possesses all its senses and craves for a material body so as to return to the material world. To cooperate with the dead, the persons left behind to mourn should pray and off sacrifices in various ways.
  (1) Kow-tow, circumambulation and chanting mantra
  Kow-tow, circumambulation and chanting mantra are the best offerings, and should be practiced all one’s life. In the bardo of becoming, these practices are especially necessary and critical for the dead, and no other help or offering is comparable to them in this state. Meanwhile, singing the long melodies of the mantra of compassion is also very important. At that time, the manra just like cry and confess.
  (2) Invoking Buddha and the images
  After the master performs a divination based on the karma of the deceased and his moment of birth and death, particular Buddha images are invoked for the deceased to rely on. Furthermore, the people left behind to mourn invited skilled artists to draw Thang-gas (painted scrolls)
  Musical Dances in the Monastic Rituals for Securing Souls
  Every year all sects and all monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism hold grand religious ceremonies, in which the performances of musical dances are conducted to pray for happiness, purify altars, call upon the power of the Buddha, vanquish demons (including all enemies and difficulties impeding Dharma), therefore these songs and dances are one ways of educating about death and securing the soul of the dead. The following is an introduction to the musical dances staged in bSam-yasMonastery.
  1. Dur-Khord-bdag-po. Dur-Khord-bdag-po was originally an evil god in Tibetan bonism. Later was taken by Guru Rin-po-che and became a low ranking guardian deity of Buddhism and a spirit which guides the souls of the dead into burial. The dance involves four dancers wearing skull masks and clothing designed to resemble a skeleton. They dance violently to the music of drams and cymbals, which symbolizes the severe punishment of these evil demons which harm Dharma. This dance also represents the transformation of those ‘sinful minds’, which hope to conceal themselves in the darkness of ignorance, into the luminous minds of Buddha, totally free from obscuration.
  2. gTum-rngam. gTum-rngam refers to a musical dance performed by the man who secure the souls of the dead. It is performed by 13 men, who wear big black hats and black robes with an apron whose waist is decorated with human eyes and mouths. The dance symbolizes the dismemberment with sharp knives of the demons sent under guard of Dur-Khord-bdag-po and entering the world of Buddha.
  3. Srin-po. The dance is performed by 20men in red, wearing vicious masks, and the swallow the pieces of the body which was dismembered by gTum—rngam. This represents the dead people’s last charity for hungry ghosts, exemplifies the Buddhist spirit of charity.
  The musical instruments accompanying the dance s are Dung-chen (long trumpets), cymbals, rGya-gling(Tibetan-style suona horns), rkang-gling (thigh-bone trumpets, or ghost-call trumpets), conch-shell trumpets,bells, hand-drums(made of human skulls) and others.
  Generally speaking, Tibetan Buddhism has a large and complicated system of Buddha. Music and dances play an important part. Musical dances are often singing in loud voices and dancing violently.
  Human beings fear death and tend to recoil from it. However, no one can escape from death, so the doctrines and music of Tibetan Buddhism have produced and developed on the basis of the understanding of death and death education, and the securing of dead spirit. To some extent, only those who ‘see emptiness, have compassion’ can obtain real pleasure in death.
  1、Originally, this was an ancient Indian work and was translated in English under the title the Tibetan book of the death.
  2、A Buddhist term means that all things in the world are the result of causes and cannot persist without change.
  3、Buddhism believes that human beings have negative emotions because of self-grasping, which results from their ignorance of the truth.
  1.Padmasambhava(author), xu huasheng(translator),1995. The Tibetan book of the dead. Religious culture press.
  2.Sogyal rinpoche(author), Zheng zhenhuang(translator), 1999. The Tibetan book of lving and dying. Chinese social science press.
  3.Tshe-ring, 1999 Tibetan Buddhism. Ethnicity press.
  4.Zhou wangyin and Wang chao, 1999. Tibetan primary religious. Sichuan remin press.
  5.Li jicheng, 1986. Lama monasteries---the world of Buddha. Sichuan renmin press.


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