如:一九九五年于澳洲的雪梨“佛教梵呗赞颂团”踏出了世界演出的第一步,足迹遍布各大洲以及海内外各大歌剧院,音乐厅等。如香港红勘体育馆、上海大剧院、纽约的林肯中心、洛杉矶的音乐中心与柯达剧院、伦敦的皇家剧院、巴黎的会议殿堂,甚至雪梨歌剧院、德国莱茵科隆大教堂、日本东京的Suntory Hall等,所到之处皆是各国的记者必定采访的物件,也广受欢迎及赞叹。大师接受奥地利Kurhalle Oberla演出采访时表示:奥地利的音乐世界有名,东方的梵呗则有天籁之音的美誉,多次海外演出的目的,乃希望藉此佛教音乐的演绎方式,除了弘扬佛法,更是促进东西方宗教文化交流、增进友谊,以及宣扬世界和平的讯息。
人间音缘秉持着“以乐曲宣唱善巧的法语—给人信心;以乐曲宣唱美妙的诗偈—给人欢喜;以乐曲宣唱佛法的成就—给人希望;以乐曲宣唱慈悲的心肠— 给人方便”的宗旨,每年的活动参加人数越来越庞大,应征歌曲达数千首,曲目也越来越多元化。星云大师说:“音乐与宗教一样无国界,佛教音乐的展演,对于倡导世界和平、促进种族融合,都发挥了重要的功用。”
Ven. Tzu Hui
A Brief Introduction to Religious Music
In 1953, Venerable Master Hsing Yun turned the page for Dharma propagation by organizing the Buddhist Youth Choir in
In regard to Western religions, starting from the Medieval period, through the Cultural Renaissance, and up to the Baroque period, Christian archbishops who, being all highly educated musicians, were the principal architects who formulated the singing and performance styles. Indirectly, the church had impact on the development of Western music. In the time of Martin Luther and the American civil rights movement, people wrote hymns for others to sing using the then popular genre of folk music. This created a new avenue for Western religious musical expression and created a modernized trend, which has continued to this day. There is still religious music, which is very popular, such as Amazing Grace and Silent Night, to name a few. Amazing Grace is still a very prominent hymn sung frequently in churches as well as numerous other locations worldwide.
In the orient, Buddhism uses music not only to show gratitude and praise the virtue of the Buddha but also to make offerings to him. For example, in the Dharma Teacher Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, there are ten types of offerings, such as flowers, ornaments, banners, clothes, different types of incense, and music. The Yogacara Offering Service also mentions about six kinds of offerings: flowers, incense, lamp, soap, fruits, and music. According to the Sutra of Amitabha Buddha, “In that Buddha Land, the air is permeated with celestial music …birds sing harmonious songs day and night …magic trees and nettings give off subtle, wonderful sounds, like hundreds and thousands of instruments, all playing at the same time. Those who hear such intonations naturally will be mindful of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.” From this description, we can see that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Amitabha’s
Both Aśvaghosa and Milarepa are important musicians in Buddhist history. The former produced a very famous musical Rāstrapāla to show the truth of suffering, emptiness, and impermanence by means of singing and drama. Aśvaghosa, accompanied by a musical instrument, sang a song, which was so touching that five hundred princes from the Pātaliputra city resolved to become monastics and tread the Path. This incident has been greatly praised in Buddhist history. Milarepa used to benefit people by singing. The songs that he sang were compiled into the Mila Grudum and were widely circulated.
Music in Buddhism is called chanting. According to the Biography of Eminent Monastics written by Venerable Huijiao in the Liang dynasty (502 ~
Chinese Buddhist Music
From the time when Buddhism first entered
Continuing with the theme of Chinese chanting, there are two important figures who deserve to be mentioned. They are Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty (502 ~
Buddhist music in the Song (960 ~
Secular music aims to create beauty and entertain people, while religious music, in addition to being beautiful, focuses on communicating with deities, entertaining them, and praising the sacred. For this reason, the all-encompassing and deeply profound Buddhist chanting has developed the characteristics of being harmonious, clear, complete, universal, and far-reaching. Used to propagate the Dharma and praise the Buddha, Buddhist chanting can help purify both people’s minds and society in general.
Modernization of Buddhist Chanting
Buddhists used chanting to praise the Buddha during liturgical services, so people could only hear the chanting at temples. Venerable Master Hsing Yun, however, realized the wonder of music and how big an asset it was for propagating the Dharma, so he promoted it to its fullest. He established the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Choir, composed of monastics, and integrated traditional chanting, Dunhuang dance, with modern technology. This innovation enabled Buddhist chanting music move beyond the temple and be performed at the international performing centers, and has played a large role in its modernization. He turned chanting Buddhist music into singing Buddhist music, and made religious music artistic. Buddhist culture now has an additional avenue for its performance. The direction of Fo Guang Shan in the 21st century is to disseminate the Dharma by means of art and culture. In support of the aim, many composed modern songs are selected from our Sounds of the Human World competitions each year to help people better understand the Buddha’s teachings in the hope that they will nurture their minds and establish a pure land on earth.
1. To Propagate the Dharma by Music – Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Choir
Venerable Master Hsing Yun brought traditional chants with him from Chinese Mainland to
Ever since 1979, Venerable Master Hsing Yun has had the goal of combining traditional with modern, Western with Eastern music. He has combined Buddhist chanting with Dunhuang dance, Chinese symphony, and even Western symphony, and he has established the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Choir, which has toured more than twenty countries in
The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Choir was composed of monastics who were educated at the
The debut performance of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Choir was made in
2. Voice of Mental Purification –Sounds of the Human World
As a way to celebrate Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s fifty years of propagating the Dharma through music and in order to make Buddhist music universal and popular, Fo Guang Shan in 2003 organized an annual Sounds of the Human World—Master Hsing Yun’s Buddhist Hymn Competition and invited musicians worldwide to compose songs based on Venerable Master’s scripts. So far, musicians from more than thirty main cities across the world have participated in the Competition and benefited from the cultural exchange. Fifty years ago, Venerable Master was invited to propagate the Dharma in Yilan, a conservative and reserved county in north of
The objectives of the Sounds of the Human World are: 1. To give people confidence in singing songs about the Dharma, 2. to give people happiness by singing songs from Buddhist verses, 3. to give people hope by conveying the message of Buddhist achievements, and 4. to give people comfort, in showing the compassionate spirit of Buddhism. Each year, the number of participants in the Competition is increasing. So far, participants have composed several thousand songs that are getting more and more diverse and distinct. Venerable Master said, “Both music and religion transcend boundaries. Performing Buddhist music helps promote harmony among races and world peace.”
Shen Chien-hung, a young singer and representative of the Sounds of the Human World Competition, said that rapping a song entitled Where There Is Dharma, There Is a Way was a great inspiration to him. He hoped that young people at his age could understand the meaning of this song. As a spin-off from this competition, the Sounds of the Human World Karaoke Competition was organized to effectively enable more people to realize the meaning of the Buddha’s teachings. This endeavor has even found its way into the prisons in an attempt to help prisoners connect with Buddhism and realize the meaning of life.
Since 2003, the Sounds of the Human World – Master Hsing Yun’s Buddhist Hymn Competition has been organized annually. So far, musicians from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Australia, Austria, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and Chinese Mainland and Taiwan have composed over three thousand songs in more than twenty languages. These songs have been sung in local languages and become a new trend in Buddhist music. This aspect of integrating local culture and creative elements in the Buddhist music caters to the needs of our time, the Sounds of the Human World will continue to create new Buddhist songs to carry on the Buddhist music in their innovative and all-encompassing way.
Compared with video image, paintings, and words, voice is a unique medium with regard to expressing people’s thoughts and feelings, for music is the best way to touch people’s hearts. For the past five decades, Fo Guang Shan has integrated Dharma propagation through music into many activities. Our traditional chanting as performed by the monastics has become much more delicate and artistic, thereby increasing its ability to help cultivate and benefit sentient beings. The performance of Buddhist music is beneficial to Dharma propagation and helps the public to realize the beauty of oriental Buddhist music. Non-Buddhists can also appreciate the elegant and artistic expression of this musical genre. The Sounds of the Human World and relevant activities were designed to help people to understand the meaning of Buddhist songs. Our ultimate goal is to purify human minds with Buddhist music, and facilitate practice and cultivation so as to build a pure land on earth. With the same intentions, in 2006, Fo Guang Shan established the F.G.S. Sounds of the Human World Buddhist Chinese Orchestra. By organizing all of these different endeavors and performances, we hope to encourage musicians to create Buddhist songs and chants. The latest addition of Chinese Orchestra is just another helpful way to propagate the Dharma through music, making it more accessible to the public and people’s lives.
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