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Book Notes: Studies in the Literature of the Great Vehicle: Three Mahāyāna Buddhist Texts


来源:不详   作者:Luis O. Gomez and Jonathan A.
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Book Notes: Studies in the Literature of the Great Vehicle: Three Mahāyāna Buddhist Texts

Edited by Luis O. Gomez and Jonathan A. Silk

Philosophy East and West

Vol. 43, No. 1 (January 1993)

p. 158

Copyright 1993 by University of Hawaii Press

Hawaii, USA


p. 158 Studies in the Literature of the Great Vehicle: Three Mahāyāna Buddhist Texts Philosophy East and West, Vol. 43, No. 1 (January 1993)

With this volume we welcome the addition of a new publication series to the Buddhist studies scene. The three texts studied here are: the Samādhirājasūtra, chapters 1-4, translated collaboratively and edited here by the volume editors; the Gilgit manuscript of the Vajracchedikā (that is, the "Diamond Sūtra"), edited in Sanskrit and translated by Gregory Schopen; and Śāntarakṣita's (eighth-century) Madhyamakālaṃkāra, analyzed, edited, and translated by Masamichi Ichigō. This last is based on and develops aspects of the author's earlier, more extensive Japanese study of the same text (Kyoto, 1985). The present publication conveniently brings this useful presentation of a little-known Mādhyamaka treatise of considerable importance and influence to the doorstep of interested Anglophone readers.




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