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顶果钦哲法王:你可以更慈悲 参考书目


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顶果钦哲法王:你可以更慈悲 参考书目



  ‧大方广佛华严经,Great Compendium Sutra, Avatamsaka-sutra, phal po che’i mdo。

  ‧普贤菩萨行愿赞,King of Aspirations for Excellent Conduct,Bhadracarya pranidhana raja, bzang po spyod pa’i smon lam gyi rgyal po。大方广佛华严经的一部分。

  ‧三摩地王经,King of Concentrations Sutra, Samadhiraja-sutra, ting’dzin rgyal po’i mdo。

  ‧华严经入法界品,Sutra Arranged as a Tree, Gandavyuha sutra, sdong po bkod pa’i mdo。

  ‧宝箧经,Sutra Designed as a Jewel Chest,Ratnakaranda sutra, za ma tog bkod pa’i mdo。

  ‧大解脱经,Sutra of the Increase Towards Great Liberation, Ghanaja-mahabhricaphulakarma sutra, thar pa chen po phyogs su rgyas pa’i mdo。

  ‧宝积经,Sutra of the Jewel Mound,Ratnakuta sutra, dkon mchog brtsegs pa’mdo。

  ‧父子相见经,Sutra of the Meeting of Father and Son,Pitaputra-samagamana-sutra,’yab sras mjal ba’i mdo。

  ‧正法念处经,Sutra of the Supreme Dharma of Clear Recollection,Saddharmanusmrtyupastana sutra,dam pa’i chos dran pa nye bar gzhag pa’mdo。

  ‧胜菩提心增益经,Sutra Which Encourages Noble Superior Intention,Arya-adhyashayasancodana sutra,’phags pa lhag pa’i bsam pa bskul ba’i mdo, (T69),由佛陀授予弥勒菩萨和其他人关于菩萨行为的教法,属于宝积经的一部分。

  ‧悲华经,White Lotus of Compassion Sutra,Karunapundarika sutra,snying rje pad ma dkar po’i mdo。


  ‧金刚顶密续,Vajra Peak Tantra,Vajrashekhara mahaguhya yoga tantra,rdo rje tse mo’i rgyud。


  ‧百颂,Hundred Verses, Shatagatha,tshig bcad brgya pa。

  ‧入中论,Introduction to the Middle Way,Madhyamaka-avatara,dbu ma la’jug pa,月称著。

  ‧致亲友书,Letter to a Friend,Suhrlleka,bshes springs,龙树著。

  ‧瑜伽师地论,Levels of the Bodhisattvas,(Yogacary bh mau),Bodhisattva-bh mi,rnal’byor spyod pa’i sa las byang chub sems dpa’i sa, or byang sa,无著著。

  ‧大乘庄严经论,Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras, Mahayana-sutralamkara, theg pa chen po’i mdo sde’i rgyan,弥勒、无著著。

  ‧现观庄严论,Ornament of True Realization, Abhisamayalamkara, mngon rtogs rgyan,弥勒、无著著。

  ‧宝性论或大乘最上密义论,Supreme Continuity, Mahayanottaratantra-shastra, theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma’i bstan bcos,弥勒、无著著。

  ‧入菩萨行论,Way of the Bodhisattva, Bodhicaryavatara, byang chub sems dpa’i spyod pa la’jug pa,寂天著。


  ‧直指成佛道 Direct Path to Enlightenment, theg pa chen po blo sbyong don bdun ma’i khrid yig blo dman’jug bder bkod pa byang chub gzhung lam, 蒋贡‧康楚‧罗卓‧泰耶所著之《教诫藏》<gDams ngag mdzod, Treasury of Spiritual Instructions> 第四函,页二四三-二七五,英文版书名为《直指成佛道》<The Direct Path to Enlightenment> ,由K.McLeod 翻译,香巴拉<Shambhala>出版社出版。

  ‧解脱庄严宝论,Precious Ornament of Liberation, dam chos yid bzhin nor bu thar pa rin po che’i rgyan, usually known as dwags po thar rgyan,冈波巴著。

  ‧七十支法语,Seventy Pieces of Advice, ang yig bdun bcu pa, 卡拉‧贡秋著。


  ‧龙钦心髓,Longchen Nyingthig, Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse, klong chen snying gi thi gle,吉美‧林巴。



  ‧rGyal sras lag len, 菩萨三十七种修行之道,The Thirty-Seven fold Practice of a Bodhisattva, Zhang kang: zhang kang then mA dpe skrun khang,2004。

  ‧rGyal sras lag len so bdun ma dang de yi mchan’grel yid kyi mun sel,驱散黑暗,Dispelling the Darkness,一部针对菩萨三十七种修行之道的论释。Karnataka: Namdroling Monastic Jr. High School,2000。

  ‧Byang chub sems dpa’i spyod pa la’jug pa’i’grel pa legs par bshas pa’i rgya mtsho, 殊胜语之汪洋,The Ocean of Noble Speech,一部针对入菩萨行论所做的论著。不丹,昆桑‧托耶<Kunsang Topgye>。

  ‧rGyal sras thogs med kyi gsung thor bu,教导总汇,Miscellaneous Writings of Gyalse Thogme,听布 <Thimphu>,不丹国家图书馆 <National Library of Bhutan>,1985。

  ‧rGyal ba’i sras po thogs med bzang po dpal gyi mdzad pa’i blo sbyong don bdun ma’i khrid yig,针对修心七要所做的论释。

  ‧bLo sbyong bla ma brgyud pa’i gsol’debs,修心传承上师祈愿文。

  ‧bLo sbyong don bdun ma’i sngon’gro’i zur’debs,修心七要前行之增补。

  ‧bLo sbyong gi bla ma’i rnal’byor,修心之上师相应法。

  ‧Theg pa chen po mdo sde’i rgyan gyi’grel pa rin po che’i phreng ba,宝鬘论,针对无著的大乘庄严经论所做之论释。

  ‧rGyud bla ma’i TI ka,针对无著之宝性论所做之论释。

  ‧rTen’brel gyi khrid yig,针对“缘起”所做之详细阐释。

  ‧sMyung gnas kyi cho ga。齐戒仪轨。

  ‧Thugs chen la phyag’tshal ba’i tshigs su bcad pa,大悲观世音礼敬颂。


  ‧rGyal sras lag len gyi’grel pa gzhung dang gdams ngag zung’jug bdud rtsi’i bum bzang,甘露宝瓶 <The Vase of Amrita> 第一函,明雅‧昆桑‧苏南。

  ‧rGyal sras lag len so bdun ma’i’grel pa gzhung dang gdams ngag zung’jug bdud rtsi’i bum bzang,甘露宝瓶第二函,扎楚仁波切。


  ‧rGyal sras rin po che thogs med pa’i rnam thar bdud rtsi’i thigs pa,点滴甘露,殊胜菩萨东美之生平,The Drop of Ambrosia,the Perfect Liberation of the Precious Bodhisattva Thogme,帕登‧耶喜。

  其他参考著作 Other Reference Works

  ‧gDams ngag mdzod, Treasury of Spiritual Instructions,教诫藏,蒋贡‧康楚‧罗卓‧泰耶汇编。

  ‧Byang chub lam gyi rim pa la blo sbyong ba thog mar blo sbyong chos kyi sgo byed,初启修心之门,The Initial Opening of the Door to the Dharma of Mind Training, Training the Mind on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment,罗卓‧嘉岑 <Lodro Gyaltsen>。

  ‧Theg pa chen po’i blo sbyong don bdun gyi khrid yig,论大乘之修心七要,Explanations on the Seven Point Mind Traning of the great Vehicle,塔拉纳达 <Jetsun Taranatha>。

  ‧rGyal ba’i bstan pa la’jug pa’i rim pa skyes bu gsum gyi man ngag gi khrid yig bdud rtsi’i nying khu,甘露精华,The Quintessense of Amrita,Explanations of the Instructions for the Three Kinds of Beings on the Stages for Entering the Buddha’s Teaching,塔拉纳达。

  ‧Theg pa chen po’i blo sbyong gi man ngag zab don sbrang rtsi’i bum bzang, 蜜宝瓶,大乘修心之诀窍,The Honey Vase, Pith Instructions on the Mind Traning of the Great Vehicle,雪谦‧嘉察。

  ‧rDo rje theg pa’i thun mong gi sngon’gro spyi la spyor chog pa’i khrid yig kun mkhyen zhal lung rnam grol shin rta, 遍知者口传,The Oral Transmission of the All-knowing Ones, Instructions Applicable to All Preliminary Practices of the Adamantine Vehicle, 雪谦‧嘉察。

  ‧Byams khrid and Byams snying rje’i khrid yig zhal gdams, 慈悲之教导,Advice and Instructions on Love and Compassion, 果藏巴。


  ‧Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddhas’Sons,达兰萨拉。

  ‧Commentary on the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, ……,达兰萨拉。

  ‧Uniting Wisdom and Compassion:Illuminating the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva,却吉‧扎巴<Chokyi Dragpa>,波士顿智慧出版社 <Wisdom>。

  ‧Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage:An Explanation of the Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas, 格西蒋巴‧德却<Geshe Jampa Tegchok>,雪狮出版社<Snow Lion>。

  ‧The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas, 格西苏南‧仁千<Geshe Sonam Rinchen>,雪狮出版社。

  ‧Atisha and Buddhism in Tibet, 多布祖古<Doboom Tulku>、格林‧穆林<Glenn H.Mullin>汇整翻译。

  ‧Sutra of the Wise and The Foolish, Mdo mdzangs blun, The Ocean of Narratives, 贤愚经,史丹利‧弗瑞译自蒙古文,达兰萨拉。

  ‧Songs of Spiritual Change,第七世达赖喇嘛,格林‧穆林译,雪狮出版社。

  ‧The Wheel of Sharp Weapons, 法护,达兰萨拉。


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