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  • Buddhism and Environmental Protection

    inner heart of people. Only then the peace and prosperity will be possible benefiting the universe ...Buddha's teachings emphasize to make good mentality in order to get peace of mind. The first verse of ...

    Saddhamma Kovida


  • 21st Century World and Humanistic Buddhi

    the advancement has failed to enter deep into human mind to give peace and happiness to them. The challenges modern people facing are to achieve peace and tranquility of mind and true happiness. It...

    Ven. Dr Anoja


  • Asian social engagement and the future of Buddhism

    1996. 446pp. $24.95(paper). The Nobel Peace Prize has recently been awarded to two Asian ...havedeveloped these dimensions in their global work for world peace. The Fo Kuang Shan Buddhist Order ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • The Life and the Fundamental Teachings of the Buddha

    in search of Truth and Peace, more from sympathy with the sufferings of others than from any ...message of truth, love and peace. So great was His compassion that He would walk at a stretch for the ...

    Pitt Chin Hui


  • The Practice of Perfection

    firm commitment to world peace. Aitken does a nice job of sketching in the details of ...There is no way to peace; peace is the way"), which Aitken enlarges to: "There ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • 苏塔难陀长老——佛教与慈善

    peace, compassion, humanity and communal harmony in the line of the paths shown by the Buddha. ...achieve the vital good towards which we aspire. The Buddha points out that the real happiness, peace, ...



  • 论佛教与蒙古民族文化的融合

    selflessness, altruism and wisdom. I firmly believe that the religion will make the world full of love, peace...and fighting and to achieve harmony of all human kind and all the world, apart from the growing peace ...



  • 阿尼68年素食经验

    抗议和争取的行动如环保行动,人权争取的运动,反对虐待动物运动等都非常蓬勃。   绿色和平组织(Green Peace)的行动尤为激进。例如他们为了抗议排污气的工厂而将自己绑在烟囱上,以吸引公众和传媒...



  • 素食老人68年的素食感悟

    人权争取的运动,反对虐待动物运动等都非常蓬勃。   绿色和平组织(Green Peace)的行动尤为激进。例如他们为了抗议排污气的工厂而将自己绑在烟囱上,以吸引公众和传媒的注意;为了制止猎杀海豹而...



  • 佛光菜根谭之教育

    modesty. Change defilement to purity. Change worry to peace. Change illusion to truth. 有慧解更要有悲愍 有勇气...of others:good words bring world peace. You can't do too much good:good deeds bring hope. You can't ...


