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  • The place of Buddhism in Santayanas moral philosophy

    a deeper peace throughcontemplation and mystical detachment. On the other hand, Christianity'...looked only to peace and the liberation of souls. Man [in Christianity], far from being freed from...

    John Magnus Michelsen


  • The way of the lotus

    way as a way to peace and liberation for Buddhists and others in the 21st century. ... peace and liberation and then turn to that other ultimate "something else". ...

    A.L. Herman


  • Whiteheads Differences from Buddhism

    altruism or love, and the ultimate value of "peace" (which almost seems a Whiteheadian equivalent ...achieving Peace or nirvaa.na) theoretically, it would have to be in some sort of theistic language, but...

    Hartshorne, Charles


  • Nirvana and Buddhisi Laymen

    of the pleasures of sense, realise in themselvesthe condition of Peace, the Supreme Good Nirvana,... themselves thecondition of Peace, the Supreme Good, Nirvana (The Questionsof King Milinda, II., ...

    Bimala Churn Law


  • Do We Need National Buddhist Traditions

    times was the cakravartin or world ruler whose task was to bring peace and wealth to everybody in ...message opens the gate to the path towards universal peace and harmony between people and between ...

    Ven. Vajramàlà


  • Buddhist Spiritual Environmentalism

    really love peace should respect others’ culture, traditions, and different kinds of living style. For..., to bringing peace and harmony to the world is based on the cultural education. Culture is the root...

    Master Jing Ding


  • Can an Understanding of Guodian Manuscri

    keen vision, no sagacity no wisdom; no wisdom no humanity; without humanity you will not be at peace; without peace you will not be musical; without music you will lack virtue. 金声,善也。玉音,圣也。善,人道...

    Kenneth W. Holloway


  • 蒋坚永副局长英语总结佛教外语交流会 掌声雷动

    prosperity, and to world peace, with its brilliant light of wisdom.   Last but not least, we want to ...



  • 我们已经到达了

    那种不停奋斗的心态就可以了。步步皆宁静-----我们已经达到目的了。   (本文译自“Touching Peace”by Thich Nhat Hanh,Parallax Press,Berkeley...



  • 法云法师:心向往之——梅村之行

    看着中文书名,用英语说:“啊,《希望如花》”我记得曾阅禅师的英文著作“TOUCHING PEACE”大概有这样的话:“我们每个人都是一朵花&...


