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  • 启明法师:圆融就是和平

    恨、嫉妒等根本烦恼,方是解决当今世界和平问题的根本所在,并建构起“天下一家、人我一如”的和平吉祥盛况。   关键词:圆融 平等 和平 Blendedness is Peace ...“peace" is merely an extrinsic form, and what matters is the values that transcend worldly...

    启 明


  • Sri Lankas ethnic conflict

    ·期刊原文Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict: have bombs shattered hopes for peace?Marshall R. SingerAsian ...for Peace? In January 1995 peace talks between the Sri Lankan government and ...

    Marshall R. Singer


  • The Lotus Sutra and Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda

    ankoku ron (On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land). In early Showa ... p. 62 enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future ...

    He Jingsong


  • “世界和平”-道德会考——开始报名了!

    World Peace Ethics Contest (World-PEC) “世界和平”-道德会考 缘起佛历二五二五年﹝西元1982年﹞,法身基金会及国际佛教社团举办了第一次的佛学联考,称为...项目(Culture of Peace and Non-violence)之一。 佛历2549年(2006年),法胜法师希望佛法能够传播到更远的地方,让泰国及全世界不同国籍、不同宗教、不同肤色...



  • 玄奘纪念堂缘起碑

    Buddhist dignitary, a translator, an envoy of peace, and a giant of world culture. To carry forward and ... peace. inspired by the model role of the master, people all over China responded actively,and many ...



  • 宗慧法师:就“世、界、和、平”论“世界和平”

    民主 佛性 “World Peace”—A Doctrine Based on It's Chinese Literal Meanings Ven. Zonghui   Abstract:   “Peace" is such a diction that is both attractive and sorrowful! Would all the ...

    宗 慧


  • Brief History of Buddhism in Cambodia

    Culture of Peace and remind the peaceful mission of science. ♦ All Buddhist stakeholders ...in Peace and Serenity! Thank you for your attention. H.H....

    H.H.Tep Vong


  • Buddhism and Science

    the Culture of Peace and remind the peaceful mission of science. ·All Buddhist stakeholders ... May all the human beings live in Peace and Serenity! Thank you for your attention. H.H...

    H.H. Maha Sangharaja


  • 学诚:让宗教成为构建亚洲乃至世界和平力量

    动乱的根源。”   正在菲律宾首都马尼拉出席“亚洲宗教者和平会议”(Asian Conference on Religions and Peace,ACRP)第七届大会的中国佛教协会副会长兼秘书长学诚...恐怖主义的严重威胁。“亚洲宗教和平协进会”是“世界宗教与和平协进会”(World Conference of Religions for Peace, WCRP)在亚洲的分支机构,于1974年由日本...



  • The Buddha and the Whiteheadian God

    the rubric of Peace. The goal bespeaks a quality of existence. That is, the goal is neither a "...personal, social, and environmental conditions. Obstacles to Peace abound, often including even the ...

    Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki

