as an "atheistic religion" (e.g.,Cunningham et al. 1991:24-25; Schmidt 1988:10-11). While it might ...pure traditions associated with the historical Buddha(see also Gombrich and Obeyesekere 1988:15-16). ...
Williams Herbrechtsmeier
Yet his overall treatment of his theme is not a matter that need concern us now.(11) ...whether of matter or mind."(15) Huxley recognized clearly that the repudiation of...
Jacques Gernet
definition of religion, as he did earlier in Precept and Practice (p. 11). He accepts religion ...pp. 15 and 25). He adverts to this question of specifically Theravada identity five times...
Edmund Perry
performance. There is only one way ofcarrying it out: with one's own body. [11]
Sensuous misconduct ...there is aserious threat to the health of the mother and in cases of rape [15].Strictly speaking, it ...
R. E. Florida
responsibility."[11] Nevertheless Buddhism has very clear cuttraditional stances. For example the First...whichprovides a ground which sustains or contributes to enlightenment."[15] Thushe makes the subtle ...
David, Scott
said by the adversaries; (11) to explain quickly what has been said by the ...the arguments; (15) no trace of depression in the body, while discussing; ...
professor guiseppe tucci
and made to "greet" their parents whenever the parents desire to visit.[11]
Such unwillingness to ... followers similarly encourage each other on such occasions.[15]
Buddhism sees death as not the ...
Carl B. Becker
existence.(11) This simply means that a person does not exist by himself or by his ...arise from the belief in Self(15) and having realized the object of this belief to ...
James Duerlinger
for them; and there arebad deeds and punishments.(11) When the principle is statedas a physical ...Each of theseis conditioned (paticcasamuppanna) as well as conditioning(paticcasamuppaada) .(15) ...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
cause, such as clay in jugs, is to "know" all things of clayey or earthy substance.[11]
What, ...of the cause."[15] It is held that "cause and its effects are non-different from each other."[16] ...
Winston L. King