creatures." (11) It is a recognition of one's insignificance in the face of the ...and profoundly appreciated, purely in, with, and from the feeling itself." (15) ...
agriculturalist) , from his feet the sudra
(servile class) was born."[11] According to both ...be no liar."[15]
Perhaps Sariputra is confusing usefulness with truthfulness,
because on any ...
Garner, Richard
Thus in Maharashtra, where most of the new Buddhists are concentrated, they
have taken ...various new Buddhist
temples.[15] A good example of this is the lifesize, fiberglass seated
Sakyamuni ...
G.M. Tartakov
Naagaarjuna makes it quite clear here that his statement should ...the nature of things, we are not guilty of vita.n.daa.(15)
Bhaavaviveka ...
Malcolm D. Eckel
theresult of their rotation is their virtues.(11) The virtues ofHeaven and Earth are exemplified in the ...beneficence of one'sown teacher by practicing her teaching.(15) Thus, followingthe moral rules ...
Bongkil Chung
at a future time it will be past.(11) It is true that the first contradiction has...their meaning.(15) The terms "is past, " "is present," and "is future" are actually "...
Dirck Vorenkamp
includethe influence of emotions . . . " [11]
Cognitivism marginalises emotion as one of a number of ...thatcognition is not the necessary precursor to all emotional reactions. [15]
These positions on the ...
John Pickering
processes are analyzed in terms ofthe causal rela- tionship among hsing, ch'ing,(11) sheng,('... Buddha does is similar to 'humanity' and 'righteousness'. How could one not(15) ...
March 11th, 1908, condensed for this journal. + P. Dahlke, Buddhist Essays; Narasu... p.15
slowly and painfully won to by the intellect of Europe. In ...
Rhys Davids, C. A. F.
not decreasing." [11]
The "Song of Enlightenment" of Yung-chia, a disciple of the sixth Ch'an
p...existence that we cannot cope with and so project as the Shadow of Life. [15]
Why do we need to...
David Loy