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all the distinctive characteristics of a buddha 一切不共佛法

all the factors of enlightenment 一切菩提分法

all the living things in the world 天物

all the myriad things 一切万物

all the remaining... 一切所余

all the 'true word' rulers 一切真言王

all there is, is adventitious perceptions 唯有客想

all these mental states 此一切心

all things 一切万

all things are (contained in) one 一切即一

all things are absolute reality just as they are 法如如

all things are created by the mind alone 一切唯心造

all things are empty in essence 当体即空

all things are nothing but consciousness 一切一心识

all things exist in perfect harmony and mutual interrelation 圆明具德宗

all thoughts 一遍

all together 咸同

all treatises 一切论

all types sorts, species, categories, etc. 一切品类

all undertakings 一切所作事

all were overjoyed 皆大欢喜

all who are born must perish 生者必灭

all who are in pain 众疾

all wholesome roots 一切善根

all will become buddhas 皆当作佛

all wishes 众愿

all without exception 一切一切

all worlds 一切世间

all...that exist 所有一切

all-attained 一切事成, 一切成就, 一切义成就

all-bestowing 一切施

all-consuming afflictions and anxieties 杂染过患

all-inclusive cognition 一切种智, 一切种知

all-inclusive understanding of mundane phenomena 世间一切种知

allow a student free reign 放行

allowed to be purified 令得清净

allowing the thinking consciousness to have its discriminating activity 令分别转

all-wise one 一切智慧者

alms of food 施食

alms-begging monk 乞食法师

almsbowl 应器

alms-bowl 应量器

almsbowl 波怛啰, 钵器, 钵盂

almsgiver 施主, 檀越, 陀那钵底

almsgiving for the purpose of healing 散生斋

almsgiving out of gratitude 报恩施

almsgiving to remove one's fears 怖畏施

aloe 婆利史迦罗, 婆利师迦, 婆师, 婆师迦

aloes 沉水

alone we are born and die, go and come 独生独死独去独来

alone-honored one 独尊

alpha and omega in four laws 四法本末

alphabet 婆罗门书

already 已, 已复, 曾

already attained 已得

already become a buddha 已成佛

already born 已生

already enlightened 已得菩提, 已觉, 已觉悟

already exhausted 已尽

already existent 曾有

already gone on to great virtue 已过大德

already like this 既是恁么

already perfectly complete 已极圆满

also 亦

also clarifies... 兼明

also has 亦有

also like this 亦如是, 亦然

also the same 亦尔

altar 坛

altar of cremation 化坛

altar of great compassion 大悲坛

alteration of effect 果能变

alterations of consciousness 识变

although it is generally explained like this... 总说虽然

altruism 仁

altruistic practices 利他行

always 往往, 恒, 恒时

always associated 恒共相应

always awake 永觉

always bestowing 常施

always bound to 常随

always contented 常乐

always cultivates pure practices 常修梵行

always existent 恒有

always living on alms 常行乞食

always maintaining mindfulness 常住正念

always mindful 常随记念

always practicing 常修习

always quiescent 常静

always says 常语, 常说

always seeking (?) 常求

always thinking 常思

am going to... 将欲

amala consciousness 唵摩罗识, 阿摩罗识, 阿末罗识

amass a stock of merit 具诸功德

amazing! 奇哉, 阿呼

amber 琥珀

ambrosial drum 甘露鼓

ā?? 恶

amidst phenomena 法中

among dependently-arisen phenomena 缘生法中

among human beings 人中

among the marks of a buddha 佛法中

among the patrons 檀中

amount of dust that can rest on the top of a cow's hair 牛毛尘

ample abiding in meditation 多安住

ample way 衍门

an officer 官

an unenlightened, fake Chan master 暗证禅师

analogy of the three (stages of) illumination 三照喻

analysis 分解

analytical emptiness 析空

analytical method 析法

analytical observation 分析观

analytical wisdom 析智

analyzing oneself 观自身

analyzing the effects of one's errors 观果报

analyzing the Tathāgata's person 观如来身

ancestor's hall 祖堂

ancestral hall 享堂

ancient 古昔, 昔

ancient Buddha 古佛

ancient mirror 古镜

ancient path 古路

and below 已下

and so forth.. 乃至广说, 云云

and then it became apparent 方显

and yet there are distinctions 而有差别

anger 嗔, 忿, 恚

anger as fetter 忿结

angry 忿怒

angry glare 怒眼

anguish 愁

animal desires 血气

animals 傍生界, 披毛戴角, 畜生界

animals and hungry ghosts 傍生饿鬼

annihilate 灭

annihilating 空却

annihilating the locus of mental functioning, cutting off the path of language 心行处灭言语道断

annihilation of defilements through the power of analysis 择灭

annihilation sickness 灭病

anniversary of a death 一周忌, 年忌, 忌日, 讳日

anniversary of Buddha's birthday 周祥

announcement hammer 白椎

announcement of the ritual duties 唱礼

announcement of the robes 唱衣

anoint or cut off 涂割

another and oneself 他己

another approach 异门

another dream 异梦

another life 他世

another lifetime 余生

another name 殊称

another person 异人

another place 余处

another world 他土

another's crimes 他罪

another's treasures 他宝

another's views 他见

answer 答曰

answer correctly 正答

answers, saying... 对曰

antecedent causality 次第缘

antelope shanks 瑿泥耶踹

anti-Buddhism policy 排佛政策

anti-Buddhist 排佛

antidotal factors 对治法

antidote of disillusionment 厌患对治

antidote of elimination 断对治

antidote(s) 能对治

antidotes are activated 对治道生

antidotes that eliminate 作断对治

antidotes used in the form realm 欲界对治

antiquity 往昔

anxiety 怵心, 恼, 挂念

apart from one's own nature, there is no separate buddhahood 离性无别佛

apart from this, there is not... 离此更

apartment for retired monks 闲寮房

apex of reality 实际

apology 忏谢

apparent 似有

apparent form 似色

apparent mind 似心

apparent self 似我

apparent understanding 似解

appear equally 平等出现

appear in various ways 有种种相转

appearance of the great bodhi of virtual enlightenment 现前等觉大菩提

appearance of the true principle 理趣

appearing instantly 顿起

appearing like 似显现

appears in the world 出现于世

append 附

appended section 添品

applicable 应立

application 作行

application of patience 忍加行

application of wisdom 智加行

applied 行精进

applied knowledge regarding the objective world 境界般若

applied practices 加行方便

applies meditative, moral practices 作加行

apply 加

apply great effort to both wisdom and morality 戒乘俱急

apprehend 据, 照取

apprehend the realm of reality 通达法界

apprehensible 得知

apprehension of the essential emptiness of existence 体空观

apprehension of the meaning of reality through wisdom 慧义

approach 阿耶

approach of a Buddha or god 影向

approach of according with one's natural respiration 随息门

approach of admonishment 诫门

approach of cultivation 修门

approach of equal maintenance of quiescence and alertness 惺寂等持门

approach of liberation from signs 无相门

approach of meditation 定门

approach of meditative absorption 三摩地门

approach of moral discipline 戒门

approach of non-production 无生门

approach of purity 净门

approach of quiescence 寂静门

approach of the ten non-dualities 十不二门

approached 既到

approaches the river 临河

approaching the midday meal 临斋

appropriate 执受, 所宜

appropriate dharma 相称法

appropriate explanation 随宜说

appropriate joy 随喜品

appropriated 所执受

appropriated aggregates 取蕴

appropriated by the mind 心所执受

appropriated five aggregates 五取蕴

appropriated form 执受色

appropriated store 执藏, 所执藏

appropriately for each 随所应

appropriates seeds 能取种子

appropriating and producing 取与

appropriating consciousness 阿陀那识, 阿陁那识, 陀那识

appropriation 取受性, 执取, 有执, 有执受, 阿陀那

appropriation of impressions 习气执受

approval from the sa?gha

approval of a course of action 印治

approximate enlightenment 随分觉

arbitrary proposition 不顾论宗

arcane path 玄猷

archery 射御, 射法, 射术

ardent desire 猛利乐欲

are all intelligible 皆能辨了

argument based on the holy scriptures 圣言量

arhat who backslides in the dharma 退法阿罗汉

arise together 并起

arise together with 具生

arisen 已起

arisen by objective support(s) 所缘转

arisen through reciprocal conditionality 互为缘性转

arises and ceases from moment to moment 念念生灭

arises and ceases together with... 俱生灭

arises instantly and simultaneously 俱时顿生起

arises similarly (?) 相似生起

arises similarly 相似生

arising 生, 生起

arising and ceasing 生灭

arising and ceasing aspect 生灭门

arising and ceasing aspect of the mind 心生灭门, 生灭相

arising and ceasing mind 生灭心

arising and ceasing never stop 起灭不停

arising and ceasing of the mind 心生灭

arising and ceasing, going and coming 生灭去来

arising from affliction 杂染转

arising from causes and conditions 因缘起

arising from the original nature 性起

arising in dependence on other things 依他起

arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due to tathāgatagarbha 如来性起

arising of attachment 生爱

arising of mind 心生

arising production of afflictions 烦恼生起

arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all existences 生住异灭

aristocrat 贵人

armed monks 僧兵

armies and forests 军林

armor 甲

arms extending past the knees 立手摩膝

army 羡那

army of afflictions 烦恼阵

army of Māra 魔兵

army of titans 修罗军

aroma of the Tagara tree 多伽罗香

aromatic tree 多伽罗, 木香, 根香

arousal of mind 发心

arousal of the aspiration for enlightenment and its final attainment are not two 发心毕竟二不别, 发心毕竟二无别

arouse faith and determination 生信胜解

arouse pure faith 生净信

arouse the intention to make offerings 发心供养

arouse the mind (thought) of intention to achieve enlightenment 发菩提心

arouse the mind determined for enlightenment 发菩提

arouse the vow 发愿

arouses an inclination 生信解

arouses compassion 起悲心

arouses devoted interest 发起胜解

arouses great compassion 发起大慈

arouses great pity 发起大悲

arouses this mind 发是心

arouses zeal 发勤精进, 发起精进

arousing of evil and defiled karma 恶习因, 有漏恶业

arranges ones clothes 整服

arrest 捕

arrival for installation 晋山

arrogance 憍

arrogant selfishness 憍恣

arrow of desire 欲箭

art 术

arteries and veins 血脉

arteries of the ten invocations 十念血脉

artful spirit 工伎鬼

articles donated at a funeral 丧?

articles for worship 佛具, 佛器, 法具

articulate 序述, 当辩

articulated 已辨

artless 淳

arts and crafts (technology) 工巧无记

arts and crafts, and fields of knowledge of the secular world 世间工业明, 世间工业明处, 世间工业明论

arts and sciences 巧明

as a basis 为依处, 为本

as a passage later on says... 如下文言

as a/the sūtra says... 如经言

as an essence 为体

as appropriate 应时

as explained 如所说

as explained above 如上所说, 如先所说, 如前说

as explained here 如是所说

as far as 乃至

as far as the past is concerned 乃往

as great as 唯至

as if 犹若

as if deaf and blind 如聋如盲

as if deaf and dumb 如聋若哑

as if filled to the brim with water 湛然

as is suitable 随其所应

as it originally is 天真

as long as 于尔所时

as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges 恒沙

as numerous as the sands of the Ganges 恒河沙

as object 为境

as one desires 如其所欲, 随其所欲

as one pleases 随乐

as one wants 随其所乐

as one wishes 如意

as one wishes to know... 随所欲知

as opposed to the prior... 异前

as regards to... 原夫

as sentient being 为众生

as someone wishes 如所意, 如所意乐

as suitable 如其所应

as the scripture explains 如经说

as the sūtra explains in detail... 如经广说

as the world-honored one said... 如世尊言

as they attain... 如其所得

as usual 如常

as was explained 如说

as was explained above 如前所说

as was explained in detail earlier 如前广说

as well as the remaining... 及余

as you should know... 如应当知

asaru medicine 阿婆罗药

ascend to heaven 升天, 登天

ascend to the hall 上堂

ascend to the high seat 登座

ascend to the highest level of existence 升有顶

ascendancy to the stage of arhat, which implies the elimination of all contamination 漏尽阿罗汉

ascends to the (ordination) platform 登坛

ascertain 格

ascertainment 定所作

ascetic practice of dwelling in silence among the gravies 寂默

ascetic practice of dwelling in the forest 阿兰那行

ascetic practice of living like an animal 牛狗

ascetic practice of naked cave-dwelling 投渊

ascetic practices 杜多

ascetic practices of renouncing desire 舍欲苦行

asceticism 苦行主义

ascetics vowed to silence 寂默外道

ascetics who smeared their bodies with ash 涂灰外道

ash 灰

ashamed 耻, 生惭, 羞, 羞耻, 羞愧

ashamed and embarrassed 生惭愧

ash-man 灰人

ash-river 灰河

ash-sand 灰沙

as-illusion samādhi 如幻三昧

as-it-is 有如

ask 请

asking about welfare 发言慰问

asks a question 发问

asleep 眠时

aspect of distinctiveness 不共门

aspect of impulse 行趣

aspect of nirvā?a 涅槃相

aspect of non-enlightenment 不觉义

aspect of sensation 受趣

aspect of the purification of cognition 智净相

aspect of the theoretical study of the Buddha's teaching 教相门

aspect of the turning of the wheel of the teaching 相转

aspect of transmigration 流转门

aspects of non-enlightenment 不觉相

aspects of the container world 器世间相

aspiration 期愿

aspiration for authoritative power 威力意乐

aspiration for freedom from falsity 无虚妄意乐

aspiration for vast compassion 广大悲愍意乐

aspiration of the same taste 同一味意乐

aspirations that need adjustment 应调伏意乐

aspire to rebirth in the Pure Land 欣求净土

aspires 求愿

assemble a group 会众

assembly 共会, 众会, 集会

assembly for monastic duty 羯磨会

assembly for offerings 冥阳会

assembly for the purpose of reading the scriptures 法会

assembly hall 云堂

assembly marking the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment 成道会

assembly of a monastic fraternity 七僧法会

assembly of all the buddhas 一切佛会

assembly of blessings 众祐

assembly of monks 比丘会, 比丘众

assembly under a single sign 一印会

assembly-place 集会所

assent from one's opponent 他许

assert 立言

assertion 主张

assessment 审虑思

assets 财

assign a dharma-name 安名

assimilating the derivative into the original 摄末归本

assist 佐助, 副, 助, 翼, 翼从

assist in singing, or intoning 同音

assistant 佐助

assistant abbot 福方丈

assistant accountant 直岁

assistants of the buddha on each side 挟侍

associated dharmas (phenomena) 相应法

associated with a consciousness 识相应

associated with other natures 他性相应

associated with persons and things that one dislikes 怨憎会

associated with pleasure 乐相应

associated with wholesomeness 相应善

association 相应

associative and non-associative thought 想非想

assurance of attaining enlightenment 克证

astringent 淡味

astrological year 年星

astrology 星占法

asura hell 修罗地狱

at a certain time 于一时间

at each cut thrice to pay homage 一刀三礼

at ease 从容

at higher more advanced stages of practice 在上地

at odds with each other 互相违

at odds with the scriptural sources 乖圣言

at one time 有时

at rest and compassionate 息慈

at the assembly on Vulture peak 灵山会上

at the foot of jewled trees 宝树下

at the foot of multitudinous jeweled trees 众宝树下

at the opportune time 乘时

at the time of completion 满时

at this point in time 即于尔时

at this time 如是时, 于此时

at this time... 于尔时

atom 微尘, 极微

atone for 赎

attach 付

attach to as a self 执我

attached consciousness 有取识

attached mind 爱染心

attached nature 所执性

attached to marks 执相

attached to mindfulness 念著

attached views 执见

attaches to I and mine 执我我所

attaches to language 取言

attachment (or desire) and views 爱见

attachment 住著, 执, 执着, 执著, 爱执, 爱着, 贪爱, 贪着

attachment according to conceptual elaborations 随戏论着, 随戏论著

attachment and aversion 爱恚

attachment and desire 爱欲

attachment by the mind to the objects in the six realms 相缚

attachment to (the reality of) dharmas 法执

attachment to conception 概念的执着

attachment to delusion 惑著

attachment to dharma 法缚

attachment to existence 有爱

attachment to external characteristics 取相惑

attachment to I and mine 我我所执

attachment to life 生执

attachment to mistaken precepts 戒取见

attachment to negation 损减执, 减执

attachment to one's own view 见取见

attachment to precepts 戒取

attachment to self and phenomena 我法执

attachment to selfhood 人执

attachment to sentient being-hood 众生执

attachment to the actual existence of concepts and objects 增执

attachment to the condition of self-love 我爱缘执

attachment to the dharma 爱法

attachment to the extremes of eternalism and nihilism 常断边执

attachment to the nature of a self 执我性

attachment to the own-nature of phenomena 执法自性

attachment to the theory of the existence of an inherent, eternal self 我语取

attachment to the things around oneself 境界爱

attachment to the view of existence 增益执

attachment to the view of nihilism 损灭执

attachment to views 见取

attain a body 得身

attain all phenomena 得一切法

attain arhatship 得阿罗汉

attain benefit 得利益

attain enlightenment wherever you are 随处入作

attain extinction 就尽

attain liberation 得脱

attain nirvā?a 得涅槃, 证得涅槃

attain perfect enlightenment 成等正觉

attain perfection 得究竟

attain rebirth in the Pure Land 得往生

attain the dharma 得法

attain the fruit 克果

attain the precepts 得戒

attain the true path 获得如实之道

attain the way 得道

attain to 获得

attain to natural enlightenment 成自然觉

attain to the truth 克实

attain understanding 得解

attain unimpeded power 得自在力

attained after awakening 后得

attained by application of effort 加行得

attained by practice 修得

attained by the Tathāgata 如来所得

attained for the first time 始得

attained fruit 得果

attained state 果

attained through activity 作得

attained within... 内所证

attained without applied practices 不恁么也得

attainer of nirvā?a directly within the desire realm 现般

attainer of the perfections 度得

attaining one level, one attains to all levels 一位一切位

attaining provisions (necessary for one's livelihood) 得财

assistant accountant 直岁

assistants of the buddha on each side 挟侍

associated dharmas (phenomena) 相应法

associated with a consciousness 识相应

associated with other natures 他性相应

associated with persons and things that one dislikes 怨憎会

associated with pleasure 乐相应

associated with wholesomeness 相应善

association 相应

associative and non-associative thought 想非想

assurance of attaining enlightenment 克证

astringent 淡味

astrological year 年星

astrology 星占法

asura hell 修罗地狱

at a certain time 于一时间

at each cut thrice to pay homage 一刀三礼

at ease 从容

at higher more advanced stages of practice 在上地

at odds with each other 互相违

at odds with the scriptural sources 乖圣言

at one time 有时

at rest and compassionate 息慈

at the assembly on Vulture peak 灵山会上

at the foot of jewled trees 宝树下

at the foot of multitudinous jeweled trees 众宝树下

at the opportune time 乘时

at the time of completion 满时

at this point in time 即于尔时

at this time 如是时, 于此时

at this time... 于尔时

atom 微尘, 极微

atone for 赎

attach 付

attach to as a self 执我

attached consciousness 有取识

attached mind 爱染心

attached nature 所执性

attached to marks 执相

attached to mindfulness 念著

attached views 执见

attaches to I and mine 执我我所

attaches to language 取言

attachment (or desire) and views 爱见

attachment 住著, 执, 执着, 执著, 爱执, 爱着, 贪爱, 贪着

attachment according to conceptual elaborations 随戏论着, 随戏论著

attachment and aversion 爱恚

attachment and desire 爱欲

attachment by the mind to the objects in the six realms 相缚

attachment to (the reality of) dharmas 法执

attachment to conception 概念的执着

attachment to delusion 惑著

attachment to dharma 法缚

attachment to existence 有爱

attachment to external characteristics 取相惑

attachment to I and mine 我我所执

attachment to life 生执

attachment to mistaken precepts 戒取见

attachment to negation 损减执, 减执

attachment to one's own view 见取见

attachment to precepts 戒取

attachment to self and phenomena 我法执

attachment to selfhood 人执

attachment to sentient being-hood 众生执

attachment to the actual existence of concepts and objects 增执

attachment to the condition of self-love 我爱缘执

attachment to the dharma 爱法

attachment to the extremes of eternalism and nihilism 常断边执

attachment to the nature of a self 执我性

attachment to the own-nature of phenomena 执法自性

attachment to the theory of the existence of an inherent, eternal self 我语取

attachment to the things around oneself 境界爱

attachment to the view of existence 增益执

attachment to the view of nihilism 损灭执

attachment to views 见取

attain a body 得身

attain all phenomena 得一切法

attain arhatship 得阿罗汉

attain benefit 得利益

attain enlightenment wherever you are 随处入作

attain extinction 就尽

attain liberation 得脱

attain nirvā?a 得涅槃, 证得涅槃

attain perfect enlightenment 成等正觉

attain perfection 得究竟

attain rebirth in the Pure Land 得往生

attain the dharma 得法

attain the fruit 克果

attain the precepts 得戒

attain the true path 获得如实之道

attain the way 得道

attain to 获得

attain to natural enlightenment 成自然觉

attain to the truth 克实

attain understanding 得解

attain unimpeded power 得自在力

attained after awakening 后得

attained by application of effort 加行得

attained by practice 修得

attained by the Tathāgata 如来所得

attained for the first time 始得

attained fruit 得果

attained state 果

attained through activity 作得

attained within... 内所证

attained without applied practices 不恁么也得

attainer of nirvā?a directly within the desire realm 现般

attainer of the perfections 度得

attaining one level, one attains to all levels 一位一切位

attaining provisions (necessary for one's livelihood) 得财




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