a day without work is a day without food 一日不作一日不食
a heap 堆
a ko?ī of nayutas 万亿那由他
a man 丈夫
a thread, a butt 一缕一触
a wild fellow 孟八郎
a woman 妇
a year 年腊
a young Brahman 年少净行
aah! 吁
abandon 放舍
abandon again 复还弃舍
abandon desire 弃欲, 离欲
abandon discriminations and return to one's original nature 去情显性
abandon evil and cultivate goodness 废恶修善
abandon home 舍家
abandon oneself to something 舍身
abandon the traces and disclose the source 废迹显本
abandon the world 弃世
abandoned 所离
abandoning 令舍
abandoning of afflictions already generated 已生恶令灭
abandoning the householder's life and going to the renunciant's life 舍家法趣于非家
abbatial acolyte 室的侍者
abbess 尼大师
abbot 上手, 上方, 主首, 和尚, 方丈, 院主
abbot, or superintendent of a monastery 监寺
abbot's quarters 方丈室
abbot's robe 红衣
aberrant meditation 邪禅
aberrantly determined 邪定
abhidharma 毗昙
abhidharma collection 对法藏
abhors existence 憎有
abide 住
abide contentedly in 喜乐安住
abide in that mental state 住其心
abide in the center 中住
abide on the outer layer etc 在肤
abide without changing 住不变
abider in the fruit of a once-returner 斯陀含果
abides at the pinnacle of existence 安住胜有顶定
abides here 住于此
abides in indifference 无顾恋住
abides in marks 相住
abides in the dharma 住内法
abides in the stage of non-retrogression 安住不退转地
abides in unenlightened stages 安住凡住
abides momentarily at the time of production 生时暂住
abiding afflictions 住烦恼
abiding arrival at the final stage 安住到究竟地
abiding as a phenomenon 住法
abiding cognition of the most excellent profound dharma 最胜妙法住智
abiding comfortably in the manifest world 现法乐, 现法乐住
abiding in correct practices 在正行
abiding in correct wisdom 正知而住
abiding in goodness 善宿
abiding in hardship 住艰辛
abiding in intermediate existence 在中有
abiding in non-frivolity 无放逸住
abiding in one's seed nature 住种性
abiding in present manifestation 住现在前
abiding in the certainty of attaining enlightenment 住正定聚
abiding in the fruit 住果
abiding in the intermediate state 住在中有
abiding in this stage 住此住中
abiding in wishlessness 无希望住
abiding joyfully in the manifest world 现法喜乐住, 现法安乐住
abiding mind 住心
abiding production 住生
abiding retrogression 住退
abiding within the determined class of beings 住于正定之聚
ability 才, 物机
ability and learning 才学
ability and nature 根性
ablative case 从格, 所从声
able to achieve consummate nirvā?a 能般涅槃
able to cease 能除灭
able to do as one wishes 随意自在
able to enter 得入
able to establish 得成
able to extinguish 能灭
able to fully... 能究竟
able to hear 得闻
able to make offerings 得供养
able to naturally transform in one's mind 于其自心能自在转
able to quickly attain 便能获得
able to remove 得除灭
able to remove their transgressions according to the rules of confession 如法悔除
able to roundly subdue 普能降伏
able to skillfully accord with 善能随顺
able to skillfully expound 善能宣说
able to teach to others as one wishes 随其所欲能为他说
ably smites down 善能摧伏
abode 住处, 宅, 室, 所住, 所居
abode of arousal of the intention for enlightenment 发心住
abode of compassion 慈悲室
abode of consecration 灌顶住
abode of correct mind 正心住
abode of cultivation 修住
abode of Indra 帝居
abode of nurturing 治地住
abode of one truth 一法句
abode of practice 修行住
abode of producing virtues 生贵住
abode of purity and impurity 杂清净住
abode of superior insight that is associated with the cessation of dependently-arisen transmigration 缘起流转止息相应增上慧住
abode of the dharma-prince 法王子住
abode of the full accomplishment of bodhisattvahood 成满菩萨住
abode of the original nature 本性住种
abode of the pure mind 净心住
abode of the Tathāgata 如来室
abode of the true child 童真住
abode stage of practice 行住
abodes of three kinds of superior insight 三种增上慧住
about 阿毗
about to appear 将发
about to enter 将入
above discriminated... 如前分别
above the moon 月上
above-explained 上所说
abscess 疮
absence in similar instances and absence in dissimilar instances 同品非有异品非有
absence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances 同品非有异品有非有
absence in similar instances, presence in dissimilar instances 同品非有异品有
absence of a set doctrine 无定法
absence of deluded thought 无念无心
absence of hindrance 虚空无为
absence of individual existence 无人
absence of intentional thought 无意
absence of regret 无追悔
absentmindedness 放心
absolute 毕竟
absolute non-arising 毕竟不生
absolute realm 物外
absolute subtlety 绝待妙
absolute truth 真谛, 第一义谛
absolutely empty 毕竟空
absolutely pure 究竟清净
absorbed in play 耽戏
absorption 三摩帝, 三摩底
absorption of mindfulness of the buddha 念佛三昧
abstention from covetousness 不贪欲
abstention from eating at inappropriate times 不非时食
abstention from eating meat 不食肉, 断肉
abstention from erroneous views 不邪见
abstention from malice 不嗔恚
abstention from self-adornment with scents or cosmetics 不著香华鬘不香涂身
abstention from sexual indulgence 不淫
abstention from speaking of the faults of members of the sa?gha 不说四众过罪戒
abstention from the consumption of alcohol 不饮酒
abstinence from impure activities 洁斋
abstinence from taking life 不杀生
abstinence hall 斋堂
abundance 隆盛
abundance of ill fortune 余殃
abundant afflictions 烦恼多
abundant good fortune 余庆
abundant rice 多子
abundantly virtuous 厚德, 尸梨伽那
abyss 渊
accelerate 增
accept 引接, 引摄
accept an offering 受施
accept and transform 摄化
acceptance 任
acceptance of illusoriness 如幻忍
accepted by both parties 共许
accidental 客尘
accidentalism 偶然论
acclamation of the scriptural teaching 显扬圣教
accompanied 俱行
accompanied by a smile (?) 含笑为先
accompanied by faculties 有根
accompanied by neither pleasure nor pain 不苦不乐俱行
accompanied by pleasure 乐俱行
accompany through the night 伴夜, 伴灵
accomplish 成
accomplish both together 俱成就
accomplish enlightenment 成菩提
accomplish one's labor by prolonged sitting 坐久成劳
accomplish rapidly 速成
accomplished 已成, 悉昙, 悉檀, 悉谈, 所成, 极成
accomplished or not accomplished 遂不遂
accomplished teacher 师匠
accomplishes one's works 成办所作
accomplishes supreme correct enlightenment 成最正觉
accomplishment 悉底
accomplishment of buddhahood in the three times 三世成佛
accomplishment of diagnosis and correction 对治悉檀
accomplishment of elimination of evil 断恶悉檀
accomplishment of good works 善修事业
accomplishment of truth 成实
accord with and enter 随入
accord with conditions 随缘
accordant 柔顺
accordant hindrances 相顺障
according to (various types) 随彼彼色类
according to 随方
according to capacity 当机
according to each situation 随彼彼处
according to experience 随感
according to fact 据事
according to intention 随义
according to law or rule 由法
according to one's ability 随分, 随能
according to one's ability and strength 随能随力
according to one's desire 随所乐, 随所欲
according to one's power 随力
according to one's wish 随所愿心
according to prayer 随求
according to reality 由法尔
according to rule 方规, 法尔
according to seed 有种子
according to that which... 随所
according to the above-explained... 由前所说
according to the approach 随门
according to the color 随色
according to the dharma 如法
according to the place circumstances of birth 随所生处
according to the rules 法然
according to the rules of confession 如法悔
according to the scriptural teaching 如契经说
according to the situation 当分
according to the sūtra(s) 如经
according to the understanding of ordinary unenlightened people 婴儿慧所化
according to the various abilities of sentient beings 应群机, 应群机
according to the wisdom and insight as described in the Vinaya-pi?aka 随律经
according with faculties 随机
according with phenomena 随事, 随事者
accordingly 由随, 直是
accordingly contemplate 随观
accounts of past lives of the Buddha's disciples 本事经
accounts of the Buddha's lives 本生
accounts of the past lives of the disciples of the Buddha 伊帝目多伽
accounts officer 库头
accumulate wisdom 智积
accumulated blessings 福聚
accumulated fires 火聚
accumulates merit 积功
accumulation (or preparation) of wisdom 智慧资粮
accumulation 三牟提耶, 资粮
accumulation from present events 现法资粮
accumulation from prior lives 先世资粮
accumulation of emotions 情累
accumulation of time 时量
accurate discernment 正观察
accurate perception 真现量
accurate practice 如实修行者
accurate teaching 正教授
accurately and thoroughly understand causes 如实知因
accurately explain 真实说
accurately knows one's own mind 如实知自心
accurately observe 正观见
accurately perceive and lay hold of 正照取
accurately seeing the mundane world 世间正见
accurately understands 如理通达
accurately witness 如实证
accusative case 业声
accuse others of their faults 说过
accuse the four groups of Buddhist practitioners of faults 说四众过
achieve 遂
achieve enlightenment 得佛
achieve the result 至果
achieve, carry out, accomplish 遂成
achieves peerless perfect enlightenment 成无上正觉
achieves perfect enlightenment 成正觉, 成无上觉
achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation 五法成身, 五相成身, 五相成身观, 五转成身
acknowledge and thank 报谢
acknowledge existence 许有
acknowledged 共知
acolyte 侍者
acquire 得
acquire the name of (true bodhisattva, etc.) 得名为
acquired 所执
acquired the intention 已得意
acquires shining purity 得明净
act appropriately to the situation 斟酌
acting in accordance with conditions 随缘行
action 行业
action based on the image of attainment of rebirth in the Pure Land 有相业
action tantra 作续
action that accords with reality 实行
actions experienced as neither happiness nor suffering 不苦不乐受业
activates 令发
activation of antidotes 对治生
activation of the mind 心机
active bondages 现缠
active seeds 现行种子
active thought 想生
active, but without awareness 行不明了
actively experience 现受
actively involved in applied practices 有学
activities are limited 所作狭小
activities for the benefit of others 利他事
activities in the manifest world 世间行
activities in the three realms 三界业
activities of a tathāgata 如来事业
activities that are set in motion 所起作业
activities that result in rebirth in the Pure Land 往生业
activity 作业
activity and effect 行果
activity and nature 行性
activity as cause 作因
activity associated with mind 心相应行
activity consciousness 业识
activity due to association 相应转
activity merely intended 思业
activity of the store consciousness due to concurrent arising 俱转转
activity that is clever, adroit, accurate, or thorough 委悉修作
activity-impressions 业习气
activity-seeds 业种, 业种子
actor 使作者
acts evilly 行恶
actual example 现喻
actual sensory ability 正根
actuality 现实
actualization 能现在前, 证
actualize the Way 证道
actualized awakening 证觉
actualized wisdom 证智
actualizes penetrating insight 证通慧
actually does not exist 实无所有
acuity 明利
adamantine absorption 金刚喻定
adamantine eye 金刚眼
adamantine fists 忿怒拳
adamantine jeweled precepts of the one mind 一心金刚宝戒
adamantine mind 金刚心
adamantine vow of all tathāgatas 一切如来金刚誓诫
adaptable 堪能
adaptation to capacities 逗会, 逗机
adapting to the capacities of sentient beings 应物
add 加
added; collected 合数
addiction 耽著
addiction and agitation 执著动乱
addiction to taste 嗜味
address the buddha 白佛
adds a year 受岁
adhered to by non-Buddhists 外道所执
adherence to dispassion 受持远离
adherence to moral behavior 受持禁戒
adherent 论者
adherent of the three-vehicle teaching 三乘之人
adherent of the two vehicles 二乘人
adherent(s) of the three vehicles 三乘人
adherents of Dong 洞家
adherents of Linji Chan 济家
adherents of the bodhisattva vehicle 发趣菩萨乘
adherents of the five rules 五法人
adherents of the four-aspect theory 四分家
adherents of the three-vehicle teaching 三乘家
adherents of the view of the three vehicles 三车家
adherents to philosophical position of original existence (of seeds) 本有家
adhering consciousness 阿陁那识
adhering to linguistic expressions 随言说
adjust 和会, 调和
adjust the posture 整仪
adjusts one's clothes 整衣
adjusts ones clothes 整衣服
administration 事判
administrative monk 事判僧
admires 欣仰
admission to the order 出家作法
admission to the room 开室
admitted to 应信受
admonish 诫
admonishing 诫勖
adoption of expedient means 方便摄受
adorn and purify the meditation chamber 严净道场
adorned by excellent characteristics 相好庄严
adorned with flowers 健拏骠诃
adornment of wisdom 智慧庄严
adornments of merit 功德庄严
adult female lay disciple 优婆夷, 优婆私柯
adult lay male disciple 优婆塞
advance funeral ceremony 预修斋
advance to the abodes 登住
advance to the bodhisattva grounds 登地
advanced study of the precepts 增戒学
advances rapidly 进趋
advancing and regressing 进退
advancing in excellent practices and attaining their consummation 进道胜行成满得入
advancing on the Way 进道
advancing to the limit 增进边际
advantageous and disadvantageous 有益无益
advent 得有
adventitious afflictions 客尘烦恼
adventitious defilements 客尘垢
adventitious feelings 客受
adventitious goodness 客善
adventitious mental factors 客心所
adventitious perceptions 客想
adventitious phenomena 客法
advocate 立论, 论者
advocate of consciousness-only 唯识论者
advocate of the theory of inconsistent causation 不平等因论者
advocates of the single vehicle 一乘家
affair 事, 事务, 日迦他, 日遏他
affairs of everyday life 日用事
affection 恩爱, 爱
affective activity 爱行
afflicted 染
afflicted activity 惑业
afflicted karma 烦恼业
afflicted mind 烦恼心
affliction 使, 吉隶舍, 烦劳, 烦恼, 结使
affliction and defilement 烦恼染污
affliction and delusion 烦恼妄想
affliction and suffering 烦恼苦
affliction arises 烦恼生
affliction of attachment 爱惑
affliction of desire in the form and formless realms 有贪
affliction store 烦恼藏
affliction, activity, and suffering 惑业苦
afflictions 染惑
afflictions affecting those of advanced states of mind 上心惑
afflictions and defilements 烦恼染
afflictions are eliminated 烦恼断
afflictions are inherently empty 烦恼本空
afflictions are inherently non-existent 烦恼本无
afflictions are originally empty 烦恼本来空寂
afflictions as firewood 烦恼薪
afflictions as object 烦恼境
afflictions as robbers 烦恼贼
afflictions blazing 烦恼炽盛
afflictions countered in the path of cultivation 修惑
afflictions derived from confusion regarding phenomena 事烦恼
afflictions eliminated by insight into the truth of suffering 见苦所断, 见苦所断烦恼
afflictions in their state of manifest activity 现行烦恼
afflictions lack substance 烦恼无实
afflictions of contaminated karma 有漏诸业烦恼
afflictions of negative rebirths 恶趣烦恼
afflictions of the desire realm 欲界惑
afflictions of those of advanced states of mind 上心烦恼
afflictions of views and emotions 爱见二行
afflictions of views and thought 见思烦恼
afflictions produced from discrimination 分别起
afflictions proper 正使烦恼
afflictions removed in the path of cultivation 修道惑, 修道所断烦恼
afflictions seeming to exist 似有烦恼
afflictions such as the view of self 我见等惑
afflictions that are manifested 所起烦恼
afflictions that are treated in the path of cultivation 修道烦恼
afflictions, activity, suffering 烦恼业苦
afflictive 惑性, 烦恼性
afflictive and cognitive 惑智
afflictive and cognitive hindrances 烦恼所知
afflictive hindrances 烦恼障
afflictive hindrances as well as cognitive hindrances 烦恼障及所知障
afflictive karmic impressions 惑习气, 烦恼习气
afflictive obstruction(s) 烦恼碍
afflictively hindered consciousness 烦恼障识
afraid 怖懅
afraid of suffering 怖畏众苦
after 后
after death 死后
after dying 命终之后
after eating, drinking unchurned milk that is somewhere between the states of milk and curd 生和合净
after finishing one meal, going to another town for another meal 他聚落净
after finishing one's life 寿终之后
after that 然后
after the Buddha's death 灭后
after the evening assembly 参后, 参退
after the extinction of the thus-come one 如来灭后
after this 已后
afternoon 斋罢, 斋退
afterwards 后方
again 再, 复
again afterwards 后更
again says... 复言
again, exactly this...(?) 又即此
agalloch 沉水
āgama period 阿含时
agarwood 沉水
agate 摩娑罗, 玛
age after age 世世
age in terms of years spent as a monk or nun 夏腊
age of impurity 劫浊
aged 朽耄
agent 使者
aggregate 哥大, 塞建陀, 犍度, 犍陀, 聚, 聚集, 阴
aggregate of a single taste 一味蕴
aggregate of consciousness 识蕴, 识阴
aggregate of form 色蕴, 色阴
aggregate of intention 意阴
aggregate of perception 想蕴
aggregate of the six elements 六界聚
aggregate of volition (dispositions, karmic formations) 行蕴
aggregate of wisdom 慧蕴
aggregate that endures throughout transmigration 穷生死阴
aggregate(s) 蕴
aggregates and fields 阴入
aggregates and realms 阴界
aggregates as demons 阴魔
aggregates, fields, and realms 阴入界
aging, sickness, and death 老病死
agnosticism 不可知论
agree 契
agreeable 可爱
agreeable and disagreeable 违顺
agreeable and pleasant 可爱可乐
agreeable circumstances 可爱事
agreeable phenomena 可意事
agreeable superior results of karmic maturation 可爱殊胜异熟果
agreeable to the mind and giving rise to bliss 悦意发喜
agreeing like a box and lid 函盖相应
agreement between the explanation and the metaphor 合譬
agriculture 营农
aid 助
aid and liberate 济度
aiding and uplifting 助发
alarm 惊
alas! 嗟叹
alcoholic beverages made from wheat or barley 面酒
alive 活
alkaline water 叉罗波腻, 差罗波尼, 灰水
all (both) included 皆具
all (compounded) things 一切行
all 一切, 佥, 庶, 皆悉
all accomplish the buddha-way 皆成佛道
all activities (or karmas) 一切业
all adepts 一切圣人
all afflictions 一切烦恼, 烦恼皆
all afflictive hindrances 一切烦恼障
all afflictive karmic impressions 一切烦恼习气
all are abandoned 悉远离, 皆悉远离
all are fully manifest 皆悉显现
all are illusory 皆如幻, 皆如幻梦
all are totally eliminated 皆悉除断
all are utterly non-existent 一切皆无所有
all ascetic practices 一切苦行
all attain 皆得
all bases 一切依处
all become abundant 皆悉增盛
all beings 群生, 群生, 诸物, 诸身, 黎庶
all beings accomplish Buddhahood 一切众生皆悉成佛
all beings become buddhas 一切皆成
all beings in the ten realms attain Buddhahood 十界皆成佛
all beings possessing life 含生
all beings subject to transmigration 数取趣
all benefits 一切利
all births 一切生
all bodhisattva stages 一切诸菩萨住
all bodhisattvas 一切菩萨, 一切诸菩萨
all bodies 一切身
all buddha-lands 一切佛土
all buddha-realms 诸佛世界
all buddhas 一切佛, 一切诸佛
all buddhas of the ten directions and three times 十方三世一切诸佛
all Buddhist teachings 一切佛法
all causes 一切因
all causes and conditions 一切因缘
all celestials 一切诸天
all circumstances 一切事
all cognitive objects 一切所知境
all compounded phenomena 一切有为法
all compounded phenomena are suffering 一切行苦
all conceptualizations of the dharma 一切诸法想
all conditioned phenomena 一切有为, 一切诸行, 有为诸法
all conditioned phenomena are impermanent 一切行无常
all consciousnesses 一切识
all constituents 一切依
all contaminants 一切有漏
all contamination is extinguished 一切漏尽
all courses of activity 一切业道
all defilement 一切染
all defilements 一切杂染
all delusions 群迷, 群迷
all dharmas 一切法, 诸法
all direct disciples 一切声闻
all direct disciples and solitary realizers 一切声闻独觉
all distinctions in grades of applied practices 一切分位加行差别
all distress and suffering 一切忧苦
all divisions of time 一切时分
all empty 一切空
all enlightened beings 众圣
all enlightenment 一切觉
all evil activities, destinies 一切恶
all existence 群有
all existences 有有
all existent things 一切有
all existent things are emptiness 即有即空
all expedient means 一切方便
all experiences are ultimately suffering 一切皆苦
all explanations 一切说
all explanations of the dharma 一切说法
all factors 一切界
all faults 一切过患
all faults and merits 一切过患及与功德
all forty teeth are even 具四十齿皆悉齐平, 四十齿皆悉齐平
all fully possess 皆悉具足
all gatherings 一切众会
all good phenomena 一切善法
all grades of applied practices 一切分位加行
all groups 一切众
all have... 悉有
all hindrances 一切障
all in the ten directions 一切十方
all is empty 一切皆空, 皆空
all is non-existent 一切都无所有
all karmic hindrances 一切业障
all kind of teachings 一切种教
all kinds 一切种类
all kinds are completely... 一切种皆
all kinds of beings 群类, 群类
all kinds of benefit 一切种利, 一切义利
all kinds of benefits for sentient beings 一切利有情
all kinds of characteristics 一切种相
all kinds of conditions 彼彼缘
all kinds of ignorance 一切无明
all kinds of purity 一切种清净
all kinds of sentient beings 群机, 群品, 群机
all kinds of suffering in transmigration 众苦流转
all kinds of tools and implements used in the monastery 众具
all kinds of zeal 一切精进
all knowables 一切所知境界, 一切种所知
all lack 皆无
all learning (?) 一切受
all living beings 一切有情之类
all locations 一切方所
all Māras (evil demons) 一切魔
all marks are false and unsubstantial 凡所有相皆是虚妄
all meditations 一切静虑
all mental disturbances 一切惑
all mental functions and all omniscience 一切行相一切智智
all mental states 一切心
all merits 一切功德, 众德
all minds 诸心
all minds and mental factors 诸心心所
all modes 一切行相
all natures 一切性
all negative rebirths 一切恶趣
all objects (of cognition) 一切境
all objects 一切境界
all of space 弥天
all of the precepts 全分戒, 大戒
all parts 一切分
all paths 众道
all perceptual referents 一切所缘
all personal possessions 一切身财
all phenomena 一切法, 一切万法, 一切诸法
all phenomena are unarisen 一切法不生
all phenomena in the three times truly exist 三世实有
all phenomena lack self 一切法无我
all phenomena lack self nature 一切法皆无自性
all possess mind 一切有心
all possess... 悉有
all ranks 一切位
all realms of desire 一切欲界
all rely on the buddha-nature 皆依佛性