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  Firstly due to His great compassion he gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig mantra and sadhana.


  It is very important to understand the reason and objective for receiving and giving the transmission of the practice of Chenrezig.  It is evident that all human beings are gifted with aptitude in comparison to other beings  and that this human life form is very precious.  We all have the potential to work for the happiness for ourself and also for others but for the later, we must have all the favourable conditions as well.  In general, we are always very busy running after everything.  However, it is not possible for an individual to set objectives for another person’s life.  Each individual has their own responsibility and duty.   The meaning of our life is to look for happiness.  This is relevant to all of life.  How we come to this conclusion, that the meaning of life is to find happiness, is evident from our attitude, the way we think and the way we aspire.  Irrespective of the different natures of individuals, every human being has one common attitude and aspiration, and that is to find happiness and overcome suffering.  The wish to find happiness and to overcome suffering is common to all beings but human beings have a special potential to overcome suffering and to meet with happiness.  They also have a long-standing determination for meeting with happiness compared to other beings.  If we understand that the essence of our life is to find happiness, then we are in a better position to know if our life is meaningful or not.  Life may become meaningful through the guidance of your teachers, parents or through your own individual thinking.


  Primarily, it is important to understand that the inner aspiration of our life is to find happiness.  If your attitudes are opposed to finding happiness then life will be meaningless.  On the other hand, to make life meaningful, it is important to engage in activities that will produce happiness.  In order to find happiness, we must look for positive causes like non-violence or causes that are peaceful and appealing to one’s mind.  If instead we engage in impure causes then this will empty our aspiration to find happiness and make life meaningful.  In our life, the positive qualities we are talking about are loving kindness, compassion and non-violence.  In order to cultivate love and compassion within ourselves, it is important to understand that the opposite to love and compassion are the emotional defilements.  These prevent us from developing love and compassion.  The opposites to the emotions of love and compassion are desire, hatred and ignorance.  Here, related to hatred, I have a few things to share with you.  I feel that it might be of some help if I try to highlight the talk through a story.  This might bring the point across more clearly.


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