如各位所知,观音是一切诸佛及菩萨的化身,他的梵文名字是Avalokiteshvara (注:梵文直译为“观自在”),而他所修持的便是仁爱与慈悲。所有的教派和一切众生,无论任何信仰或者传统都可以修持观音菩萨修行法门,因为这是一个适合所有人的法门。
As you may know Chenrezig is an embodiment of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. His Sanscrit name is Avalokiteshvara and his practice is love and compassion. All religions and all beings irrespective of faith or tradition are free to undertake this practice as it is a practice for everyone.
Among those here today, there are some who are interested in Buddhism whilst others are not. However, what we all have in common is the wish to make this life meaningful and to be filled with happiness.
The source of all spiritual practices is the wish to make life meaningful and happy. The practice of love and compassion accomplishes this wish.
In general, it must be understood that all the different religions have come into existence as a means to try to help people to overcome their suffering. They are a means to produce happiness and to make our lives more meaningful. Making our lives meaningful and filled with happiness is of fundamental importance to us. Whatever our actions, whether they are spiritual or mundane, if they don’t achieve happiness then all these activities are just useless. Since we make every decision based upon this objective of making our lives wholesome and meaningful, any incorrect decisions will have serious adverse consequences for us.
Each individual has a different approach or mental outlook on how to live their life and make it meaningful. For some individuals happiness relates to their independence and prosperity with not much concern for the welfare of others. Other people think of not only their own welfare but also the welfare of others.
So is it better to pursue a self-orientated life or to take the path that turns life to become meaningful for others? There is a striking difference between the two.
Some traditions believe that god is permanent but if we take such a self orientated path where we forget or ignore that we are actually interdependent and prefer to rely on such total solitude then we’ll miss realizing the fact that actually depend on others to find true happiness and make our lives meaningful.
If we ask ourselves if we have any effect on the welfare of others then the answer would have to be ‘yes’. Think of our family life, for example. If one member is unhappy then everyone suffers. We all have a responsibility to up lift him or her. Therefore, each and every being has the potential to be of great benefit for us. When someone is faced with difficulties, it is our responsibility to help them.
By making one’s life meaningful, it is possible to make oneself and others happy at the same time. Think about some of the disturbing things that are happening in our world these days. Can you continue on without being disturbed by them too? You need a great positive attitude to make life meaningful and happiness is the fundamental ingredient in making life rich and meaningful.
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