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来源:   作者:宣化上人
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  The Sangha Assembly Unites in Harmony, and the Destiny of the Country Flourishes.


  Lecture by the Ven. Master Hua on August 27, 1992 in Wonderful Words Hall at The Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

  恒颐法师记 Transcribed by D.M. Heng Yi







  The top line for today's matching couplet is, "The Sangha assembly unites in harmony, and the destiny of the country flourishes."

  In the last forty years, since the Nationalist Party moved to Taiwan and the Communists occupied mainland China, I believe this is the first time that left-home people from both sides have met. It is my sincere hope that they can look at the big picture, at the overall significance of this great matter, in the future of the nation. The members of the Sangha should unite in harmony.

  In addition to upholding the six kinds of harmony of the Sangha, we should mutually cooperate and make Buddhism prosper, enabling the country to have a boundless, bright future. This is a most important duty of each left-home person.

  We must each support and protect our country as well as Buddhism. Thus, we hope that both sides will work together to bring blessings to the nation, the people, and the world.

  This event is extremely important. However, because of this matter, I didn't get any sleep last night and therefore feel very tired today. I hope all of you understand the importance of this responsibility.

  We can all transfer merit and virtue before the Buddhas, in order to achieve mutual cooperation without division into factions. This is the reason we are having this Dharma Assembly.

  Our Dharma Assembly is kind of clever coincidence which has put left-home people from mainland China and Taiwan side by side. If they can join forces and unite, that would a most auspicious happening. Each and every one of us has a share in this responsibility. That's why the top line of the matching couplet says, "The Sangha assembly unites in harmony, and the destiny of the country flourishes.







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