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据斯里兰卡国家新闻网报道,2009年5月26日,斯里兰卡500名佛教徒代表斯里兰卡南部20个地区的Shasanarakshaka Mandalayas 探望了斯里兰卡北部居住福利中心里的流离失所者,为他们祈福,并分发佛教徒们在各地收集的救济品。该救济品中包括食品、医药、衣物、糖、茶叶和一些其他必需品。


A group of 500 members of the Maha Sangha representing Shasanarakshaka Mandalayas in 20 districts in the South will visit the North on May 26 to invoke blessings on the displaced people rescued from the terrorists housed in welfare camps and distribute relief goods among them.

SSM Registrar (Lekhakadhikari) Ven. Dr. Gonaduwe Gunananda Thera said the Maha Sangha had always come forward to assist the people of this country in times of a crisis or disaster as recorded in the country's history.

This program is in keeping with that ancient tradition. The relief goods to be distributed include dry food rations, medicine, children's, women's and men's clothing, sugar, tea leaves, and other essential items.

They have been collected from all districts by Divisional Shasanarakshaka Mandalayas and Daham Pasalas under a program co-ordinated by the SSM and Buddhist Affairs Commissioner Chandraprema Gamage.


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