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泰国Wichit Sankharaam 寺为庆三宝佛节举办功德法会


来源:佛教在线   作者:佚名
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据海外媒体报道,2009年7月7日上午8点半开始,泰国普吉岛苏泰(Suthat)路的Wichit Sankharaam 寺为庆祝三宝佛节,即佛陀初转法轮日,举办了一场长达2小时的功德法会。普吉岛地方长官Wichai Phraisa-ngop和各界人士共500多人参加了此次活动。


PHUKET CITY: Phuket Governor Wichai Phraisa-ngop this morning attended a Buddhist merit-making ceremony at Wichit Sankharaam Temple on Suthat Road.

The ceremony was held to mark Asarnha Bucha Day, which commemorates the Lord Buddha’s first sermon.

The governor and about 500 others took part in the traditional ceremony, which involves circling a chedi at the temple three times before placing an offering of flowers, incense and candles on an altar.

The two-hour ceremony began at 8.30am. Many of those taking part were government-school students on a three-day holiday that began on Monday.

Asarnha Bucha Day is an official government holiday in Thailand, as is tomorrow’s Khao Pansa Day, the first day of Buddhist Lent.

The province has asked all bars and nightclubs on the island not to sell alcohol over the two-day period. As always, some are expected to comply; others will not.


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