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俄罗斯设宗教学实验基地 宗教教育有望列入教学大纲


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  With schools preparing for the new academic year, the debate continues over whether religious education in Russia should be taught more widely – and whether it should become a school subject.

  Unlike in many European countries, high school teaching of religion is not available in most Russian schools.

  Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested setting up an experiment in selected regions by including the basics of religious culture, religious history and basics of secular ethics into the school programs.

  “I find it possible setting such an experiment. So far 18 regions are on mind, but the number can be discussed,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

  On Tuesday, the President underlined, that “students and their parents must choose the subject by themselves.”

  “This means it can be the basics of Orthodox culture or the basics of Muslim, Judaist or Buddhist culture,” explained Medvedev.

  Another variant is also possible, he said.

  “Most certainly many would like to study the variety of Russian religious life. For such students the general course of history of major traditional confessions of our country can be developed,” said the President.

  For those who don’t have specific religious beliefs, can choose the third variant – studying secular ethics, Medvedev said.

  If experiment proves to be a success, starting from 2012 religious education could be added to the school programme.


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