据海外媒体报道 2009年10月21日至10月25日,乌干达将在Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort 举办第三届世界童军宗教会议。此次会议的主题为“团结、思考、庆祝和平”。
世界童军宗教会议国家组织委员会副会长Badru Katerega教授表示,预计将会有160个国家参加此次由国际穆斯林童军联盟组织的,乌干达童子军协会联合乌干达性别、劳动和社会发展部主办的世界童军宗教会议。而此次会议的其他合作者有坎帕拉大学,乌干达的伊斯兰大学以及宗教协会。
Uganda is set to host the 3rd World Scout Inter religious Symposium under the theme ‘Solidarity, reflection and celebration for peace’
WSIS, which is the third world scout event will take place at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort from 21st to 25th October this year. It will bring together scouts from over eight religious affiliations to discuss issues affecting scouts and religions
The Vice chairperson of WSIS National Organizing committee professor Badru Katerega says that the world scouts symposium which is expected to bring together over 160 countries, is organized by international union of Muslims scouts and is to be hosted by Uganda scouts association together with ministry of gender, social development.
Katerega says that other partners include Kampala University, the Islamic University in Uganda and the Inter Religious Council.
He says that hosting the third 3rd world scout inter religious symposium will provide a great opportunity to show case Uganda as an important tourism and investment destination
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