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来源:佛教在线   作者:佚名
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据《ColomboPage》报道,2009年10月24日上午,斯里兰卡贾夫纳历史著名的那加精舍庆祝Kathina festival ,举行了26年来首次佛事活动——供养功德衣法会。 该法会由那加精舍主持Meegahajandure Chanarathana 主持。


Kathina festival,佛教节日(在斯里兰卡也是印度教的节日),于每年三个月的守夏节结束后举行庆祝活动,时达一个月之久。届时,居士、信众将为寺院的法师供养僧衣以示感激。

Oct 24, Jaffna: After a lapse of nearly 26 years, the Kathina festival of the most historical Naga Vihara in Jaffna was held early this morning.

According to the sources the annual Kathina Perahera of the Naga Vihara took place early this morning under the guidance of the chief incumbent Ven. Meegahajandure Chanarathana Thero.

This was the first major Buddhist event held in Jaffna after liberating the country from terrorism in by defeating the thirty-year long war last May, the Thero pointed out.

The Kathina Perahera comprised of not only the Buddhist cultural events but also of Hindu cultural events.

During the past 26 years the annual Kathina festival of the Naga Vihara in Jaffna city, the major Buddhist temple in Jaffna could not took place due to the war between government security forces and the LTTE.


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