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  • Whiteheads Differences from Buddhism

    process a coherence or order (allowing for quite real but limited aspects of disorder arising from the ...causation. If the past is real enough to cause present effects, it is real enough to form data for ...

    Hartshorne, Charles


  • The Foundational Standpoint of Mādhyamika Philosophy

    Candrakīrti (p. 55). They disagreed over what is conventionally real (vyavāhara). Prāsaṅgika ...stake in all such quests to discern what is really (as opposed to conventionally) real. When we decide ...

    Gadjin Nagao


  • Ajivika

    Gosala or Gosalikaputra). That Gosala was his real name, and makkhali (:mamkhali)(2) = ... about with him".(2) Now--to go further with Dr. Hoernle-- there is no real word ...

    Charpentier, Jarl


  • Buddhist Theories of Causation -- Commentary

    materialist who sees his self as nothing and objects as real potentials to "fill" his emptiness. ... one might claim that both the subject and the object are real and unique (svasvabhaava) and that ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • An interview with Norman Fischer

    doesnot create, that's arbitrarily set up in advance, conditioning thework--that sort of thing is real ... got a real strong ethical, and we couldalmost say spiritual, basis out of which his or her ...

    John Wright


  • Response to Thomas P.Kasulis review of Letters of Shinran

    simple identity. According to Shinran, the mind of Amida Buddha is true, real, and sincere, while the minds of foolish beings are empty and tansitory. Since "empty means not real and not sincere, ...

    Yoshifumi, Ueda


  • Some Notes on Perceptions of Pratitya-Samutpada in China

    organ and the various dharmas are indeed not real. Since Kumaarajiiva considered them otherwise, the ...breakable into discrete parts. The eye-organ that becomes aware of the object-form is real. The ...

    Whalen Lai


  • Buddhist Spiritual Environmentalism

    their children with their heart to explore the real wisdom, neither with materials, nor with diplomas.... wind blowing the lake, creating billows and waves. Once billows and waves appear, it is not real. ...

    Master Jing Ding


  • Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism

    from his close study the dGe lugs pa texts, which suggests that the real source of the ...Ins ability to appreciate the real strength of Nagarjuna's writing. These an...

    C.W. Huntington Jr..


  • Monks in conversation

    question of what isultimately real and of what our true identity is. Buddhists were eager toshare their ...Concerning thedifferences, which were real, he thought: "It's no big deal." He explained:"We tend to cling to...


