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  • Early Saamkhya in the Buddhacarita

    Buddhacarita (B)(1) A'svagho.sa describes the sage Araa.da's metaphysical system, (2) and ...doctrines of a distinctive school of thought.(13) His view, however, cannot ...

    Kent, Stephen A.


  • Suzuki Daisetz as Regional Ontologist: Critical

    Otani University.[1] Suzuki's prolific career as a scholar and exponent of Buddhism needs no ...internally related, and hierarchically arranged.[13]  ----------------------------------------------...

    Dilworth, David A.


  • Foundations of Ethics and Practice in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism

    their fulfillment in it.(1) Such a construal of Pure Land history, of course, misconceives it as a ...with a special intensity that created a very strong resonance even without prior practice.(13) As ...

    Charles B. Jones


  • Gandhari and the early Chinese Buddhist translations reconsidered

    Luoyang during the first few centuries C.E.(1) Indologists, on the other ... Indian culture was transmitted from the northwest across Central Asia to China.(13)...

    Daniel Boucher


  • Healing Justice -- A Buddhist Perspective

    and yet to run counter to our ultimate vision of what human society should be." [1] Why do we ...the full consequences of their actions (Ratnapala12-13). In determining the nature of an ...

    David Loy


  • Health Beliefs And Early Detection Among Chinese women

    Westernculture" (Louie, 1985, p. 18), a situation am provokes misunderstandings.Numbering 1,645,472, Chinese ... throughnetwork sampling. Ten women were from the People's Republic of China, and 13 were ...

    Hoeman SP; Ku YL; Ohl DR



    much rubble."(1) For Van Bragt, Nishitani's approach to history is significant in ...meditative awareness of an "eternal now."(13) For Christianity, time begins with ...

    Steven Heine


  • Hui-Neng and the Transcendental Standpoint

    no dust to cling.[1] We can imagine the secret delight of Shen-hsiu when, upon waking and reading... according to Hui-neng, is "a state of 'Absolute Void," [13] the infinite "capacity" of mind. And ...

    Steven W. Laycock


  • Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard

    nembutsu or recitation of the name of Amida Buddha(Namu-amida-butsu) was the basis for enlightenment. [1]...not as a means toenlightenment but as an expression of gratitude to Amida [13] : 'Only byconstantly ...

    Joel R. Smith


  • Indian sources on the possibility of a pluralist view of religions

    with Hinduism, a traditionthat she has studied in depth.[1] The book is also a careful yetimpassioned...as well.[13] These sources seem to concurthat a view of religions that grants autonomy and truth-...

    Judson B. Trapnell

