the pain of being a man." [1]
Dr. Johnson's reply points to why we anaesthetize ourselves with ...is the Buddha-mind, which is beyond living and dying. [13]
For Buddhism, the dualism between ...
David Loy
intents and purposes, viewed India as home to a single indigenous religion, Hinduism.(1)... which had developed against the background of the "prevalent Brahmanical doctrine."(13) ...
Jacques Gernet
Buddhism, activism, and Unknowing: a day with Bernie Glassman (interview with Zen Peacemaker Order founder)
by Christopher Queen, Tikkun
Vol.13 No.1 , Jan-Feb 1998 , Pp.64-66
Christopher Queen, Tikkun
direction," [1] "We are experiencing a process of change affecting everything, yet controlled by no one...emerging as man continues to evolve and to probe more deeply into the nature of the World. [13] Canalized...
Nolan Pliny Jacobson
Introduction to the Middle Way,(1) a work he seems to have composed as a supplement to ... conventional reality.(13) His ultimate reality directly appears only to an ...
James Duerlinger
understood to be a complex tradition involving more than the Platform Suutra.(1) The ...consciousnesses come about, not different from the mind.(13)
Our core ...
Whalen Lai
Ibid., 14:29.
22. Ibid.. 13:6.
23. Ibid., 2:1.
24. Mencius, 3A:1 the Book of History, "...1] The paper will first present the Confucian philosophy of education, its metaphysical and ...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
for a long, long time.(1)
This striking and evocative passage introduces ...world-systems which all expand and contract across vast expanses of time.(13) This basic ...
Rupert Gethin
issue has become more important to Derrida and some of those influenced by his work. [1] In his most...neither coming nor going." [13] If someone is fixated on one view, challenge him with the opposite ...
David R. Loy
limit that exposes the boundaries and confinements of life as we ordinarily experience it.1
For a ...more favorable rebirth in their next life and beyond.13
In the Buddhist context in northern Thailand...
Frank E. Reynolds