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  • Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today

    the pain of being a man." [1] Dr. Johnson's reply points to why we anaesthetize ourselves with ...is the Buddha-mind, which is beyond living and dying. [13] For Buddhism, the dualism between ...

    David Loy


  • Buddhism in Huxleys Evolution and Ethics:

    intents and purposes, viewed India as home to a single indigenous religion, Hinduism.(1)... which had developed against the background of the "prevalent Brahmanical doctrine."(13) ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhism, activism, and Unknowing: a day with Bernie Glassman

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism, activism, and Unknowing: a day with Bernie Glassman (interview with Zen Peacemaker Order founder) by Christopher Queen, Tikkun Vol.13 No.1 , Jan-Feb 1998 , Pp.64-66 ...

    Christopher Queen, Tikkun


  • Buddhism, Modernization, and Science

    direction," [1] "We are experiencing a process of change affecting everything, yet controlled by no one...emerging as man continues to evolve and to probe more deeply into the nature of the World. [13] Canalized...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • Candrakiirtis denial of the self

    Introduction to the Middle Way,(1) a work he seems to have composed as a supplement to ... conventional reality.(13) His ultimate reality directly appears only to an ...

    James Duerlinger


  • Chan metaphors: Waves, water, mirror, lamp

    understood to be a complex tradition involving more than the Platform Suutra.(1) The ...consciousnesses come about, not different from the mind.(13) Our core ...

    Whalen Lai


  • Confucianism and Zen (Chan)

    Ibid., 14:29. 22. Ibid.. 13:6. 23. Ibid., 2:1. 24. Mencius, 3A:1 the Book of History, "...1] The paper will first present the Confucian philosophy of education, its metaphysical and ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Cosmology and meditation Agganna-Sutta Mahayana

    for a long, long time.(1) This striking and evocative passage introduces ...world-systems which all expand and contract across vast expanses of time.(13) This basic ...

    Rupert Gethin


  • Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words

    issue has become more important to Derrida and some of those influenced by his work. [1] In his most...neither coming nor going." [13] If someone is fixated on one view, challenge him with the opposite ...

    David R. Loy


  • buddhist perspectives with particular reference to the theravada tradition

    limit that exposes the boundaries and confinements of life as we ordinarily experience it.1 For a ...more favorable rebirth in their next life and beyond.13 In the Buddhist context in northern Thailand...

    Frank E. Reynolds

