【英文标题】Research into the Buddha's ducation of VyAdhi-DukkhA ain the SaMyutta-NikAya
【论文页数】201 页
【英文摘要】The topic in the thesis was based on the Buddha’s education of vyAdhi-dukkhA in the SaMyutta NikAya. It was the individual cases recorded the Buddha and pupils live to participate physically. Through the cultural heritage, the researcher verified the Buddha’s original teachings how to response the life’s vyAdhi-dukkhA topic by vimutti-magga.
In the beginning, the thesis introduced the Buddha’s educations of vyAdhi-dukkhA in the saMyutta NikAya, then with the teachings of cultivation method how healing the pang within disease and worry for principal axis. Finally, by the yathAbhUta, virAga, vimutti- nibbAnaM, achieved the effects of satisfactory cultivation to make thebe over.There were four contents about the objects and the cultivation that the Buddha taught in the the SaMyutta NikAya:First, getting in heavy disease the Buddha cured the illness with satimA and sampajAnand later recovered from illness. Second, some big pupils around o- the Buddha such as the enlightened MahAkassapo and MoggallAno, the Buddha hinted them directly practice the satta-bojjhaNgA and the well-trained of cattAro satipaTThAnA, like the anuruddho, then studies the cattAro satipaTThAnA. Third, to some already fixed by learning the Buddhist doctrine for a period of time but didn't enlightened as bhikkhU sekhA, the Buddha taught them to yathAbhUta. The paJca khandha were anicca and anattA, and paid the bhikkhU navA who was a beginner of monks lately, continually warned to remove the fancy of cha-indriyAni, cha viJJanA from temptation of cha AyatanAni, furthermore explained the Principles. Finally, to the UpAsaka and elder taught the catvAro-aveccappasAda and Cha-anussatiyo. The findings and results of the study proclaimed that the Buddha treated the vyadi-dukkhA as to practice moral teachings in fact of start diligently. What he conceredhad been the problems that people could set free. The amendment of the condition was an additional result in this studying process.
The topic in the thesis was based on the Buddha’s education of vyAdhi-dukkhA in the SaMyutta NikAya. It was the individual cases recorded the Buddha and pupils live to participate physically. Through the cultural heritage, the researcher verified the Buddha’s original teachings how to response the life’s vyAdhi-dukkhA topic by vimutti-magga.In the beginning, the thesis introduced the Buddha’s educations of vyAdhi-dukkhA in the saMyutta NikAya, then with the teachings of cultivation method how healing the pang within disease and worry for principal axis. Finally, by the yathAbhUta, virAga, vimutti- nibbAnaM, achieved the effects of satisfactory cultivation to make thebe over.There were four contents about the objects and the cultivation that the Buddha taught in the the SaMyutta NikAya:First, getting in heavy disease the Buddha cured the illness with satimA and sampajAnand later recovered from illness. Second, some big pupils around o- the Buddha such as the enlightened MahAkassapo and MoggallAno, the Buddha hinted them directly practice the satta-bojjhaNgA and the well-trained of cattAro satipaTThAnA, like the anuruddho, then studies the cattAro satipaTThAnA. Third, to some already fixed by learning the Buddhist doctrine for a period of time but didn't enlightened as bhikkhU sekhA, the Buddha taught them to yathAbhUta. The paJca khandha were anicca and anattA, and paid the bhikkhU navA who was a beginner of monks lately, continually warned to remove the fancy of cha-indriyAni, cha viJJanA from temptation of cha AyatanAni, furthermore explained the Principles. Finally, to the UpAsaka and elder taught the catvAro-aveccappasAda and Cha-anussatiyo. The findings and results of the study proclaimed that the Buddha treated the vyadi-dukkhA as to practice moral teachings in fact of start diligently. What he conceredhad been the problems that people could set free. The amendment of the condition was an additional result in this studying process.This text carried on the construction of processing the healing of vyadhi-dukkhA. The results found the Buddha's teaching method for vyadhi-dukkhA was depend on " AdhisaddhA-sikkhA →AdhisIla-sikkhA → Adhicitta-sikkhA → AdhipaJJA-sikkhA " to fix and learn about putting out the bitterness to set free the way one after another. Therefore, the Buddhist doctrine to the function of healing of vyadhi-dukkhA , return to the knot was" AdhisaddhA, AdhisIla, Adhicitta, AdhipaJJA " that were four kinds of increases to go to school for the basic elements to be explained.According to the above-mentioned findings and results, the Buddha’s teachings of vyadhi-dukkhA in the SaMyutta NikAya could take setting vimutti-nibbAnaM as to lead to always. The purpose was to build up the right manner that people treated the illness, not ensured getting sick, having no pain, or giving the treatments of any mind and body disease good, because birth, old, the disease, and dead originally were inevitable pheno-menon of the world.The ultimate concern of the Buddha has been the problem that people can set free. This opportunity guided us to get sick, come on exploring the life actually, return to return the life self coming up clearly know paJca khandha, that is, the truth of "anattA and mama".To sum up, getting sick is the link signal of the heart and body. It reared the imper-manent true and stated the matter of the life toward the people through accepting the existence meaning of the vyAdhi-dukkhA and practices the teaching methods of the Buddha. This is the chance that penetrates the life to set free.
目次 IV
表录 X
略符与凡例 XI
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究动机、目的与问题提出 2
第二节 文献资料、研究方法与研究范围 3
第三节 学界的研究概况 7
第四节 论文章节安排 10
第二章 现代医学与佛教经典对疾病的思维 12
第一节 现代医学对病的基本观点 12
一、病的涵义 12
(一)医学辞典上的涵义 12
(二)学者专家对“疾病”的定义 13
二、健康的涵义 14
(一)医学词典上的涵义 14
(二)世界卫生组织对健康的定义 14
(三)近代医疗卫生界之学者专家对健康的定义 14
第二节 印度传统医学对“疾病”的基本观点 16
一、印度传统医学的来源 16
二、最早的医书 16
三、印度医学的基本理论 17
四、印度医学对疾病的形成的观点 19
第三节 佛教对“疾病”的思维 21
一、“病”在佛教经典中的涵义 21
(一) 在巴利语辞典上的涵义 21
(二) “病”在佛教经论中的涵义 22
二、佛教经典中疾病的分类 23
三、佛教经典中有关病因之探讨 27
(一) 外因 27
(二) 内因 28
(三) 业因 28
第四节 病于《杂阿含经》解脱道的位置与意义 29
一、由四圣谛面向观看“病” 31
二、“病”在缘起法中位置与意义 36
(一) 生命的流转-十二因缘观 36
(二) 病苦在缘起流转与还灭之位置与意义 38
第三章 《杂阿含经》中佛陀对病患的教示诸经之解析 43
第一节 相关诸经之概观 43
第二节 从医治者的角色谈佛陀的教示特色 46
一、正本清源-明确目标 46
二、同理心及典范的树立-以亲身体验说法 47
三、对症下药-应机说法 48
四、临床辨证-循序问答 50
五、给予病患方向与希望-劝勉及鼓励 50
第三节 教示内容之解析-以对象群组举经解析为例 52
一、佛陀本身如何治愈病痛 52
二、佛陀对大弟子们之教示 54
三、佛陀对比丘众的教示 61
四、佛陀对优婆塞的教示 71
第四节 病苦的疗愈历程之建构 78
第五节 本章小节 82
第四章 佛陀教法对病苦的疗愈功能-以增上信学及增上三学为主轴 84
第一节 病患的身心苦迫与障碍 85
一、重症病患的身体苦痛与障碍 85
二、重症病患的心理困扰与障碍 86
第二节 增上信学的疗愈功能 88
一、增上信学意涵及在佛法修学上的地位 88
二、增上信学的疗愈功能 90
(一)征服怖畏、安忍苦痛 91
(二)断恶趣苦、得善趣乐 91
(三)超越悲恼、消灭忧苦 92
(四)镇伏五盖、生起近行定 93
第三节 增上戒学的疗愈功能 94
一、戒的语义 94
二、戒的譬喻 95
三、增上戒学的疗愈力量 96
(一)资具不缺 96
(二)临命终时,正念分明,往生善趣 97
(三)保护梵行,令心不悔,帮助修学 97
第四节 增上定学的疗愈功能 98
一、增上定学的语意及修学上的地位 98
二、增上定学的疗愈功能 99
(一)使众生清净(镇伏五盖、对治七使) 100
(二)渡越忧愁悲苦 101
(三)安忍病痛 102
(四)治病 106
(五)成就正道、体证涅槃 107
第五节 增上慧学的疗愈功能 107
一、增上慧学的语意及修学上的地位 107
二、增上慧学的疗愈功能 109
(一)体证无我而病愈 109
(二)去除恐惧障碍 110
(三)舍断我见之害,究竟苦边 111
第六节 病苦的疗愈之道总检视 112
第五章 《杂阿含经》中病苦的疗愈修习方法 115
第一节 修习方法的共通基础 115
一、断苦的流程 115二、修习实践的基础工作 118
(一)疾病的防护 118
(二)障碍之清除 121
第二节 生命的洞见-无我正观 123
一、认识生命的结构-五蕴 123
二、观察无我的方法 125
(一)从五蕴的面向观无我 126
(二)从六入处的面向关无我 128
三、体证无我的实践 130
第三节 免于恐惧的药方-增上信学的修习实践 132
一、 四不坏净 132
二、 从四不坏净到五喜处 135
三、六随念 136
第四节 穿透病痛之道-正念、正知的修习 137
一、正念与正知的语意 137
二、修习正知的四大原则 140
三、正知在病苦中的运用 142
第五节 觉性的照护-四念处的修习实践 144
一、 四念处的语意 145
二、 四念处的修习方法 145
(一) 具三心及舍贪忧 145
(二) 观内外、观生灭 147
(三) 七种随观 149
三、受念处在病苦中的运用 150
第六节 自古的疗病良药-七觉支的修习实践 154
一、七觉支的语意及内容 154
二、七觉支的修习方法 156
(一)奠定七觉支的修习基础 156
(二)七觉支的修习步骤 158
(三)修习七觉支的注意事项 163
第七节 本章小结 164
第六章 结论及建议 166
第一节 研究结论与发现 166
一、 研究结论 166
二、 研究发现 169
第二节 研究限制 170
第三节 展望与建议 170
参考文献 172
附录 179
(四)、巴利经典(PAli TripiTaka, London:The Pali Text Society)
ANguttara NikAya(增支部)
DIgha NikAya(长部)
Majjhima NikAya(中部)
SaMyutta NikAya (相应部)
Sutta NikAya (经集)
SaMyuttaTThakathA (相应部注)
MilindapaJha (弥兰陀王所问经)
巴利论疏(ChaTTha SaNgAyana CD,Nashik:Vipassana Research Insitute, 1997,version 1.1)
The connected Discourses of the Buddha(SaMyutta NikAya II), translation edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi(Boston: Widom Publications, 2000年)
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, translation edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi(Boston: Widom Publications, 1995年)
MahAsatipaTThAna SuttaM(Maharashtra: Vipassana Reserarch Institute, 1993年)
2.平川彰。《佛教汉梵大辞典》。东京:Toppan Printing CO.,LTD.
6. Rhys Davids, T. W. and Stede, William。Pali-English Dictionary, London,Oxford: PTS.1979。