The recorded teaching that I heard upon entering the gompa:“benefit self as well as others...by benefiting others you benefit yourself too...”
(笔者注)今天,法王给予了两个口传,一个是观音的六字大明咒“嗡瑪尼貝美吽”另一个是“嗡啊吽 边扎咕噜呗玛悉地吽”,这些仪轨是应一些弟子的祈请而给予的。(另外,今天是藏历第十个莲师荟供日)
His holiness gave two oral transmissions today. One was the Chenrezig practice of OM MANI PADME HUNG and the other was OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG, the for mare was requested by some students (and today is the Tibetan tenth-‘tsechu’).
The reason for doing this practice is that we are always connected with Chenrezig and this practice has been found to be very beneficial.
Along with this oral transmission it is taught to practice loving kindness and compassion for sentient beings because love and compassion has a great influence for all. It is good not to fix your practice of love and compassion one just one person in particular but for everyone. To practice like this is very important and also very practical.
Regarding the practice of love and compassion, it doesn’t distinguish between religions, castes or race because no matter who, no one wants suffering. The practice of loving kindness and compassion is very practical and easy to accomplish.
His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism. He lives in this world and feels that he has a great connection with everyone where ever he lives. Everyone has a different way of thinking and regardless of this he still feels that it is his responsibility to help everyone. He tries to help everyone regardless of other people’s different ideas. He tries to help not only each individual but also society at large.
His Holiness always feels that since we are human beings we have a great potential to be able to help even insignificant beings. If we turn to a broader mind then we can help even insects!
His Holiness feels that human beings are able to have the wholesome feelings of loving kindness and compassion for others whilst animals are not able to have this type of feeling in the same way. Through the practice of the quality of loving kindness and non-violence we can help others. From the time of our birth everyone has been wanting happiness and doing what ever we can to free themselves from suffering but only humans have this quality of being able to free themselves from suffering. For example, we can laugh when we are happy. Animals can’t laugh. Therefore due to our better qualities we can help others.
For that reason and through the qualities of loving kindness, compassion and non-violence towards others, we can really help. It is our duty to help others through the practice of loving kindness and compassion. If we practice these good qualities of love, compassion and non-violence then this life becomes more and more useful to one self and others and therefore becomes very meaningful.
It is not enough just to say we have these qualities, we must express these qualities in all our actions too, other wise it is useless and meaningless. Sometimes though, the practice of love and compassion is not easy to accomplish.
Since we sometimes have a problem or difficulty expressing true love and compassion, we should ask ourselves what is true love and compassion? True love and compassion is wanting, expecting all other beings to be happy and to want to remove their suffering. This practice however, is very difficult. It’s easy to feel love for our parents and close relatives but really what we need to do is extend these feelings and build upon them so they extend to help all beings.
障碍我们得到这些良善功德的是象嗔恨等的各种染污。我们要很小心这些染污,不要让它们打断我们的修行。说到不同的烦恼染污,例如不安忍、嗔恨、贪等等,若以嗔恨为例,我们常常会看到有一些人他们总是在生气,心中充满了嗔恨,这样的思想只会为将未来带来负面的结果。人们总是会与有暴力倾向的人保持距离,甚至与他们的家人都要保持距离。例如一条幼蛇——它因为过去生嗔恨心太重的业力投生成蛇——即使是一条小幼蛇,人们也不愿意看到或碰到它,人们很自然的就讨厌它们。这就是嗔恨带来的负面后果。我们应该断除那些会给未来带来坏结果的负面因素,并努力建立更多正面的功德,这样未来会更美好。我们要永远避免落入那些坏的品质---- 例如嗔恨、愤怒、贪婪等等。
The hindrances to obtaining these good qualities are the defilements such as hatred and so on. We need to watch out for the presence of these defilements and not let them interrupt our practice. Speaking about these different afflictions, such as impatience, hatred, desire and so on, if we take the example of hatred then we see that some people are so angry all the time and full of hatred. This type of thinking will only bring back a negative result in the future. People will always keep violent people at a distance – even their family members. Take the example of a baby snake which is born due to past karma of having much hatred in former lives – even a baby snake is something that people don’t even want to see or touch. People are naturally afraid of them. This is the negative result of hatred. You should try to get rid of these negativities that will bring bad results in the future and try to build more positive qualities so the future will be better. Always try to avoid the bad qualities such as hatred, anger, desire and so forth.
It is important to know that the defiled unwholesome states of mind can only bring negative effects in the future. By knowing this it will help us to abstain from and avoid doing negative things. Through this reasoning, if you do only positive things then it will bring a better result in the long run.If you see someone who is very angry all the time then try seeing them as a sick person who is doing these negative things like an illness and develop compassion for them because you know heir future will be full of suffering.
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