Venerable Master's Talk at Gold Summit Sagely Monastery
June 7, 1992
恒法法师记录 Transcribed by D.M. Heng Fa
You could say that as I come to see you in Seattle now, I am bringing my illness along. Why is that? Why would I do such a thing? Because I feel that with the good men and good women here in Seattle, the affinities are just about right. My time has come to arrive here. So, I am coming here shedding blood and sweat but not stopping for a rest. During this time of convalescence, I come to see you bringing my illness with me. Actually, I don't yet have enough strength to walk. When I walk, I get very short of breath. That's why I rode the wheelchair at the airport. But my vow strength says that I will sweat blood and sweat and never stop to rest. Those are my vows.
It is not very easy to get to Seattle; in fact I did not want to come. But two months ago, I went to Washington D.C. to attend the President's dinner, accompanied by twenty people, and I knew that if I did not come to Seattle, the people here would say, "Oh Master, you're not fair; you went to Washington D.C., how come you can't come here to see us?" Well, since there are people here who want to see this dumb Master, how could I not grant your wish? So, when Gwo Syou called and asked, "Master, will you please come?" I said, "Okay," on the spot. "Five people will accompany me," I said. "If you get the tickets, I will come." So, that worked out and I came.
Even though I am here, I have to go back to San Francisco very soon. I delivered a lecture Sunday morning at the Translation Institute to a group of people. I guess I can't avoid being a horse and a cow for living beings; I can't get out of it. So, I agreed and said that I would arrive on Sunday afternoon but on Monday afternoon I have to return. And I must go back on Monday, so please don't beg me to stay a few more days, saying, "Oh Master, we wanted to see you so much, we almost died." Well, even if you have to die I will still have to go back. I want you to look at my situation, think about your teacher who is sacrificing his energy and shedding blood. If you don't understand anything else, you should know this.
The Jewelled Repentance of the Emperor of Lyang was written by Ch'an Master Jr Gung, so that Emperor Wu of the Lyang Dynasty could liberate his wife, Syi. But it was not written only for his queen-lady Syi. It was written for all living beings so that we could have a road to walk upon to renew ourselves and change our faults, so that we can repent and change from within, like the wife of Emperor Wu. We can feel as she did at that time when she was rescued. But we have to really repent; we can't fake repentance. We can't just read the text but fail to renew ourselves and turn over a new page. That attitude is not going to succeed. So, coming to repent because you like to sing pretty or sing loud is not the way. What we value is practice, not the music of the repentance. We want to get the true meaning of the ceremony and return to our true selves. We know that in the past we have created many offenses, but we have now met the supreme Dharma, this Dharma treasure, and we should really follow it.