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据《亚洲论坛》报道,2009年6月3日,苏格兰佛教中心的斯里兰卡籍Venerable K.Sri Rewatha Thero (Bhante)法师在苏格兰议会议事日程上的“思考时间(Time for Reflection)”发表了演讲。据悉,这是斯里兰卡僧人首次有机会在欧洲议会发表演讲。

Bhante Rewatha 法师把佛祖的教诲作为此次演讲的基础,并就佛法教导中,反对暴力、提倡和平以及一个领导者应该具备的十大品质进行了阐述。同时他还把苏格兰和斯里兰卡之间的联系作为其论证的例子,赞扬了苏格兰在帮助斯里兰卡上所表现出的慈悲和慷慨。

据悉,“思考时间(Time for Reflection)”是苏格兰议会周三议事日程上的第一件事。通常会由一位发言人向议会成员发表4分钟以上的演讲,一同分享他对于信仰问题的一些观点。(编译:子规)

Edinburg, 14 June, (Asiantribune.com): On 3rd June 2009, Venerable K.Sri Rewatha Thero (Bhante), addressed the Scottish Parliament by leading Time for Reflection before the main business of the day. Although monks are members of the Sri Lankan parliament, this is the first time that a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk has had the opportunity and great honour of addressing a European parliament.

Bhante Rewatha chose teachings of the Buddha as the foundation of his talk. He said, “Today may I reflect on some teachings of Buddha on non violence and peace. Once he mentioned ten qualities that a Raja ( a king) should develop. The old term Raja can today be replaced by the government and the ten duties of the king can today be applied to all those who constitute the government such as the head of the state, ministers, political leaders, legislative and administrative officers.

He continued by giving examples of the links between Scotland and Sri Lanka and praising the compassion and generosity of the “big hearted Scots” who gave such support to a country devastated by a major natural disaster.

"Time for Reflection" is normally the first item of business on Wednesdays.[32] A speaker addresses the meeting for up to four minutes to share their perspectives on issues of faith.


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